Friday, April 7, 2017

2017 :: week 13

March 26
We were running ahead of schedule before church, something we have really struggled with this year, so I snapped a few pictures of the kids all dressed up before we loaded up the van. I took several pictures, but in each one a different kid just wasn't feeling it. I feel a little guilty that I have a hard time getting to the church by 9am, when Tony gets there by 6am.

March 27
Will was supposed to have baseball practice, but it rained off and on all day. The field was wet and muddy so practice was postponed until Saturday. Anthony had driven to OKC for work, so the kids and I walked over to kill some time before bed. The kids piled on the wheelchair swing AKA "the magic carpet" and swung together. It was while we were here that Lauren's dominance in the pumping department was made obvious. Will was pretty upset that she could swing so much higher than him. We talked about how she spends time nearly every day swinging and perfecting her pumping skills. Once Will realized he could play kickball or basketball at recess he stopped using the playground equipment. Practice makes perfect.

March 28
Lauren has started to "read" to Elliott. She isn't really reading, but telling the story based off her memory and the pictures in the book. Elliott looks like such a big boy when he makes himself cozy in the big bed.

March 29
Will and Lauren told me they were going to play in the front yard while I was finishing up dinner (tomato pasta skillet). They hadn't been outside more than two minutes before Lauren ran back in and said it was raining. She wasn't kidding! It had started to pour! They abandoned their ball and bike and started running and splashing around the driveway in their rain boots and water shoes.

March 30
I started to come down with a headache Thursday afternoon. I tried to get Elliott to lay down with me before we had to pick the big kids up from school. He kept trying to slide off the bed, only to grab at me and try to get back up. It was frustrating. Elliott is a pretty good snuggler, but was clearly not excited about the possibility of an extra nap with me.

March 31
Lauren has quite the collection of Legos (this isn't even the tip of the iceberg). She will spend hours building stores, homes, parks, etc. The biggest issue is she doesn't like to take them apart. The next biggest issue is she sometimes "borrows" pieces from Will's collection while he is at school. I love seeing what she comes up with while playing.

April 1
I gave Anthony a Roku for Christmas so we were finally able to watch conference over our TV. For previous sessions we would hook speakers up to a computer and listen. I feel like I was able to focus more because I could see what was going on. Hooray for the upsides of technology!

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