Sunday, April 17, 2016

2016 :: week 16

April 10
Anthony hosted another BYD at our home Sunday evening. I took the kids for a walk around the neighborhood to get them out of the house. Will and Lauren love picking dandelions and blowing the seeds. I try to limit how much they do it, but I have fond memories of picking dandelions, blowing on the seeds and watching them float away when I was young. 

April 11
Will was given the assignment to dress a paper doll like a "typical child in South America" for his kindergarten class. That felt a little broad, so we had him pick a country IN South America. He chose Peru. Naturally, Lauren wanted to decorate a paper doll too. Her doll is from Africa. She has been very interested in Africa lately. Mainly because her favorite animal is the African elephant. She is hoping to serve a mission there one day. Lauren often insists that she has the same "homework" Will does and tells us that her preschool class is doing the same things Will's kindergarten class is doing. Anthony and I understand that she just wants to be like Will and is using her imagination and pretending. Will does not. He often gets upset with her and calls her a liar when she's telling us stories. I try to humor her and also let them both know that I know what is really going on.
April 12
Tuesday afternoon we drove to Minneapolis, MN. Anthony had work in the city and the kids and I decided to tag along. The hotel upgraded us to a 2 bedroom suite which was amazing. Will and Lauren (and Lauren's beanie boos) shared a room, Anthony and I shared a room, and Elliott got the common area to himself.
April 13
While Anthony was working, the kids and I met the Maxfields at the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley. It was a gorgeous, sunny spring day. That evening Steven and Weston took in a Twins game with us in Minneapolis. It was much windier and chilly at the game. Our hotel was about half a mile away from the stadium which made it easy to walk to and from the game. Our kids were exhausted that night from all the walking we did. We got a lot of steps in that day. This was a new baseball stadium for all five members of the John family. Unfortunately the Johns did not bring the Twins luck.
April 14
After Anthony finished his work in Minneapolis we drove to Rochester to spend time with the Maxfields. The cousins picked right up where they left off and played together (pretty well) all weekend. It was so gorgeous out, we sat outside and watched the kids play some Star Wars inspired game. Weston was Luke and is holding a light saber.
April 15
After lunch Friday we were going to have the big kids take a quiet time, but then they started playing together so well we didn't want to make them stop. Again, the play was inspired by Star Wars, with the various animals standing on for the various characters. We got so luck with the weather on this trip. It was another gorgeous, Minnesota spring day.
April 16
Since Elliott was born I've noticed how patient Will can be with younger kids (his sister excluded, those two have their own special relationship dynamic). Will built this structure with Magnatiles several times and let Derek and Nolan first fill it with balls, then knock it down. The twins are resourceful and fun, but also exhausting! We had such a great time with the Maxfields and have been spoiled spending so much time with family over the past six weeks.

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