Monday, September 7, 2015

2015 :: week 36

August 30
We took Elliott to church for the first time and he wasn't terribly impressed. He spent most of his time sleeping, but did wake up for the latter half of Sunday School.

August 31
Mornings are my biggest challenge, as I'm sure they are for a lot of parents. Before having Elliott and Will starting Kindergarten I found bedtime the most challenging. In the morning I get up, feed Elliott, get Will and Lauren up and ready for school, push Lauren and Elliott in our double stroller while walking Will to school and back home again, drive Lauren to preschool, then feed Elliott again. On Monday morning I decided to "close my eyes" for fifteen minutes and passed out for close to ninety.

September 1
Tuesday night I gave Anthony and Will haircuts. The John men need haircuts at least every 6-8 weeks.

September 2
It got hot again! The two weeks after Elliott was born and Nana was in town were cooler than our typical August weather. Now that September has arrived the temperature hit the 90s again and we tried to fit in a few more pool trips before the pool closes on Labor Day.

September 3
Elliot seems to be Anthony's little twin. They've got the same big eyes, expressive faces, and easygoing demeanor. I'm excited to see what else they have in common as Elliott grows up.

September 4
The Staritas came to town for Labor Day weekend. Well, they really came so Andrew could go to the BYU-Nebraska game. Friday evening we made a trip to the pool. Both Andrew and Melanie and so patient and nice with our kids. Our kids have really lucked out in the aunt/uncle department on both sides of the family.

September 5
For their birthdays my parents got Anthony and Andrew tickets to the BYU-Nebraska football game in Lincoln. They made a day of it, leaving OP around 8am and getting home around 11pm. It was a fun, close game with the lead changing several times. The :01 second left Hail Mary pass to win the game will never be forgotten and they were excited to be there.


Meredith said...

I am so jealous that they got to go to that game. What a fun gift! Elliott is adorable. We can't wait to meet him.

Carly said...

In that first picture he especially looks like Anthony to me. Also, I am so jealous of all your city pools. The pool passes here are so expensive, all separate from each other, and SO CROWDED.

Susan said...

That's so nice for your kids to have such involved aunts and uncles. I wish my kids had that more. There's plenty of aunts and uncles but very little interest from all but a couple! I guess that's what we get for living far away from family.

I never noticed what strong facial features Tony has until I see them in miniature form on a newborn. Elliott makes them look pretty darn adorable.