Sunday, September 13, 2015

2015 :: week 37

September 6
After feasting on a delicious lamb roast prepared by my dad, we decided to visit the beautiful sunflower fields outside of Lawrence. The fields were gorgeous! So many sunflowers. And so many people! I couldn't believe how crowded it was. We got there juuuuuuuust as the sun was setting, but were still able to get a few good pictures. Will isn't wearing his glasses because the tiny screw on the side fell out while we were at church.

September 7
It's a good thing we visited the sunflowers when we did. While I was feeding Elliott in the middle of the night I heard lot of rain and thunder and saw lightening. By midmorning the rain stopped and our ward's Labor Day picnic proceeded as planned. Will and Tony started a game of baseball which lots of kids and dads participated in. After the game we said goodbye to the Staritas, got Will's glasses repaired, went out to eat and cleaned out our garage. It was a fun and busy day, though I was disappointed it was too cold to go to the pool. Going to the pool the evening of Labor Day has become a tradition for us.

September 8
It was a teacher work day for our school district, which meant no school again on Tuesday. I took the kids to Pump it Up! It was a bit more crowded than the past few times we've gone. While we were there they turned on the black lights and the kids (especially Will) rocked out. I bought two groupons to Pump it Up! which expire at the end of this month. The kids really love playing there, but I'm not sure if we'll go as often when we have to pay full price.

September 9
We spent a lot of time at the park this week. Monday for the ward picnic and Tuesday and Wednesday with friends after lunch. After bathing the kids Wednesday evening I decided to braid Lauren's hair (when I do this it makes her hair so much easier to do in the morning). While I was sectioning out her hair I noticed what I initially thought was a scab. Upon further examination I realized it was a tick! Of course this would happen when Tony was out of town. Lauren was vaguely familiar with tick removal because Will got a tick in his head during the John Family Reunion in Wisconsin this summer. She freaked out and I ended up calling my parents to come over and help me remove the tick.

September 10
My sweet little sleeper. Thursday after we dropped the big kids off at school and preschool Elliott and took a little nap together. Elliott is a pretty accommodating with all the time he has to spend in his car seat, but I like to make it up to him by snuggling a bit when we get home. I enjoy the few hours we get to spend just the two of us while Will and Lauren are at school. Eventually I'll need to get some work done during this time, but right now we mostly rest.

September 11
Friday marked one full month of Elliott. He had his one month check-up and he checked out well. He's gaining weight, growing and right where he should be as at one month. It's really amazing to me that even though he's only been here with us for a short time, it's hard to imagine our family feeling complete without him.

September 12
On Saturday Anthony, Elliott and I went to Lawrence to attend the wedding of one of best friends from high school, Soni Oliver. Soni and Terrance got married at the beautiful Danforth Chapel on KU campus. It was a perfect late summer day. Soni is a graphic designer and I've always been envious of her style. Her wedding details were gorgeous in their simplicity.  It was great to see her looking so beautiful and happy.


Mitzi said...

Beautiful sunflower picture! Glad you got the tick out. I hate those things.

Tina said...

Oh, no! not another tick for the John family! Have you guys ever had ticks before? If not, how ironic that just a month after Will got a tick, Lauren got one! I'm glad you found it, and were able to remove it quickly.

Melanie said...

I love Will's smile in the sunflower pic, and I'm sorry you didn't get to go to the pool on Labor Day! It's tradition to go on Memorial Day and Labor Day. It's how summer officially comes to a close! And Elliott is a cutie. I'm glad he's part of the family! :)