October 12 |
Melanie was in town visiting my parents for a few days, so we spent some extra time at my parents too. Will loves to play games more than his parents and was quick to enlist a new recruit. Lauren found the purple purse she has over her shoulder in my parents give away pile (Melanie and Mom were going through some of the odds and ends that accumulated in the guest bedroom when they moved last year). She says it is her "favorite purse ever."
October 13 |
Aerial action shot of Will hitting the ball. He likes to go through the Royals' lineup and is quick to correct me if I make a mistake. He has the batting order memorized, as well as the players' positions and numbers.
October 14 |
The kids had their first dentist appointments Tuesday. I was a bit apprehensive about how things would go, but both kids did great. Not only did they have no cavities, they also were very good at keeping still and listening to the dentist and hygienist.
October 15 |
The Royals are going to the World Series and everyone is excited! Everywhere you go people are sporting their KC gear. We are pretty excited too.
October 16 |
The few weeks when the leaves are changing but haven't yet dropped are when our neighborhood looks the prettiest. I love walking and driving under the canopy of leaves.
October 17 |
Here's a behind the scenes look at our family photo shoot. We got our pictures taken at Black Hoof Park on Friday evening. It was a gorgeous night, but I couldn't believe how fast the sun went down. We promised the kids we would play at the park after pictures (didn't want to before in case they got dirty) but by the time we were done the sun was almost gone.
October 18 |
We trade babysitting with some friends and this week it was our turn to go out. We saw
Meet the Mormons and got some dessert afterwards. Our friends have a dog and Will was a bit nervous about him before he went over. Apparently he spent the first 30 minutes he was there sitting next to the dog's kennel and then enjoyed playing with him most of the night. Will has been going through a nervous phase, so it was nice to see him face a fear and realize he doesn't have to be anxious about everything.
I love behind the scenes shots! Did Lauren like being a helper with the reflector? I'm excited to see your pictures!
And I'm continually amazed to hear about Will's baseball enthusiasm :)
Your neighborhood really is lovely in the fall.
I bet KC is so fun right now! Especially for such diehard fans! Enjoy it!
I liked playing with Will and Lojo! They are fun kids! I love them and you!
Will cracks me up. He is going to be a baseball pro when he grows up. Or like next year. :)
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