Sunday, October 26, 2014

2014 :: week 39 (better late than never)

September 21
I've been cross-stitching in the evening to justify all the television I consume. This little boat took me a few episodes of Downton Abby to complete because I am slow, but also because there are a lot of stitches!

September 22
We made a family trip to the grocery store after dinner. The kids had fun squishing each other in the cart. We picked up some cookies from the bakery for our FHE treat to round out the night.

September 23
Will took several selfies to keep our picture streak alive Wednesday. Our relief society soup and bread activity was that evening, so I was making soup while Will was taking these pictures.

September 24
Lauren and I spent some time at the Johnson County Museum Wednesday morning while Will was at school. I enjoy it when I get to spend some one-on-one time with my girl. She loved working the register and stacking the ice cream cartons in pallets in the grocery area. As a former grocery store employee I found it really amusing. We had a great time, Lauren was perfectly pleasant until it was time to leave. I had to carry her out kicking and screaming.

September 25
One of the perks of having Dad work from home is getting to play in his office. A few years back I bought a bunch of pinto beans for a preschool activity. We keep them in our office closet and occasionally TJ gets them out and lets the kids play with them. For some reason they can't get enough!

September 26
I have a series of pictures similar to this one. Lauren refuses to nap, but if we go anywhere in the car between the hours of 2 and 5 pm it is very likely that she will fall asleep. We go somewhere during those hours almost every day, which makes the frequency of this occurrence really annoying.

September 27
Saturday we went to the Overland Park Fall Festival. Will was incredibly excited to see the marching bands. Of course, the only picture I snapped of the kids watching the bands had a non-performer walking on the side. There were four high school marching bands and about thirty politicians which made for lots of music and candy. Also, the Royals had clinched a playoff spot the night before, so there was a lot of blue in the crowd.

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