Wednesday, October 29, 2014

2014 :: week 40 (better late than never)

September 28
Anthony's middle and high school friend visited us Sunday evening. Jacob was in town for a wedding and stayed an extra day to sight see and visit us. We enjoyed a relaxing evening chatting and watching Joseph and the Amazing Techincolor Dreamcoat on youtube. Why that? Because our kids love it and Lauren was so pleased that Jacob was at our house AND there's a song about him in the movie. She kept singing "Jacob! Jacob and sons!" to him as she danced around the house. Jacob stayed in her room, we moved her crib to our office, and she referred to her room as "Jacob's room" for days after.

September 29
The Chiefs don't get a Monday Night Football game every year. But this year they did and they were playing the Patriots. We decided to go and Anthony organized a group of friends to come too. We had a really fun time, even TJ. The game was never very close. It was fun cheering for a team and not having the gnawing feeling in my stomach that my team was probably going to lose most of the time.

September 30
Tuesday morning the kids and I visited Louisburg Cider Mill with a group of friends my friend Lauren put together. The kids and I were tired from the night before and were a bit grumpy, but it was good for us to get out of the house and enjoy a fall activity with our friends.

October 1
Rainy day. TJ was out of town and the kids and I laid low most of the day. I kept Will home from school because we were all tired. Will did ask to do a rain dance, so both kids played on our back porch for a few minutes.

October 2
The rain continued on Thursday. It was day 3 of TJ being out of town and day 2 of being stuck inside and we were all a bit stir crazy.  The kids got increasingly whinier as the day went on and I couldn't take it any longer so I said we were taking a walk. We walked around the perimeter of the park and then over to the playground. We ended up staying at the park for about 45 minutes which was just what we needed to get through the rest of the day.

October 3
It was still a bit cool Friday, so we went to the mall. The kids had fun playing in the play area for a bit, then we rode the carousel. Lauren absolutely insisted that she ride on this rabbit. Will wanted to be close to her so he got stuck with the horse (he wanted to ride on the dolphin pretty badly). With the onset of cooler weather I'm on the lookout for more fun indoor places we can frequent, so if you have any spots to share, please do.

October 4
Anthony verti-cut and aerated the lawn Saturday morning before general conference. Later in the day he spread out grass seed and fertilizer. We're hoping to fill in some patches in our front lawn.

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