Saturday, November 9, 2013

2013 :: week 45

Lauren wasn't feeling too hot on Sunday. She's had a cold that (at that time) seemed to be neverending. Mom was the only person she wanted, even though she continued to whine and cry when I was holding her. Being sick is no fun, especially when you are learning how to communicate.

For Will's preschool we fill out a form each morning letting his teachers know how he is feeling, how he slept last night, what he ate for breakfast, and any other information we want his teacher to know. Will loves filling it out and asks us the questions even on his off days.

We never got around to carving a pumpkin before Halloween, much to Will's disappointment. My parents volunteered to let us come over to the their house and help us carve one of theirs, which ended up being perfect because TJ and I were under the weather most of the week.

We made a "Thankful Tree" for FHE Monday night, and added some additional leaves Wednesday. Will is very proud that he can write most of his blessings by himself, with only a little help when someone dictates the letters. He told Tony that he (Tony) is grateful for the piano and he told me that I am grateful for the computer, which truth be told, felt like a bit of a rebuke.

When we were feeling up to it and the weather finally cooperated, we took several "nature walks" to the park. I love sunshine. I can tell when I am not getting enough in my life and I definitely didn't get enough at the start of this week.

My bedside table features the items that helped me survive this past week. The cold I caught from the kids turned into a sinus infection, but thanks to some drugs things are looking up. 

We were one of the families assigned to clean our church building this morning, as were the Kelsos. Shannon was very patient and helped my kids "help" clean the windows. Will was pretty pleased to hang out with Ally.


Laura said...

Ugh. sorry to hear about everyone getting colds. that's rough. Your thankful tree has inspired to make something similar in my apartment! So thank you for that!

Susan said...

Hope you're feeling better!