Sunday, December 23, 2012


The extended LeBaron family gathered together in St. George for Thanksgiving 2012.

Tuesday night the Kansas group arrived and we stopped in at Grandmamere and Grandaddio's to say hello. (Melanie, Andrew and Laura arrived later in the evening after our visit).

Will and Lauren enjoyed spending some time with their grandparents. Lauren explored their place and Will showed off. The rest of us enjoyed visiting and catching up.

On Wednesday Will got to hang out with Melanie &Andrew, and he quickly developed an uncle crush on Andrew that is still in effect today.

We spent a few more hours at G&G's house late Wednesday morning.

Lauren even took her first step, though she has yet to repeat that feat.

In the afternoon we went to the park and enjoyed the warm Southern Utah weather.

It's not every day you get to swing with your great-grandpa.

Wednesday night the rest of the group arrived (Jill, Emily & Matt) and we hit up Cafe Rio for dinner. It was tons of fun eating good food, laughing and hanging out with the family.

Some of us had more fun than others. :)

All the boys plus Laura were wearing plaid (Will's shorts).

Thursday morning we started Thanksgiving off right, by running the Touquerville Turkey Trot.

Of course we had to dress for the occasion.

To say the terrain was rough would be an understatement. The trail was basically an old river bed, so it was hilly, rocky and sandy. Plus it was quite windy. Our times were not impressive, but we made some great memories.

After the race we cleaned up and headed to Zion's for our delicious Thanksgiving feast.


A few group pics before dinner.

Lauren was very grouchy and cried almost the entire duration of the dinner trip--the drive there, picture taking, meal, and drive home. We tried so many different ways to please her and nothing seemed to work. Pepaw did get her fall asleep for a few minutes, but it was short lived. When we finally got her back to the hotel and were getting her ready for bed we saw that one of her toes was twisted in her shoe and had turned purple. I had blamed her behavior on teething and Anthony blamed it on messing up her schedule, so we were both wrong. I still feel bad about it.

Discussing thunderjets with Grandaddio.

Thanksgiving night we made a Thankful Turkey farm. Will's face in this picture cracks me up. He was loving staying up late with his aunts and uncles.

Friday we did some more visiting.

We visited my grandpa's peach orchard and took some family pictures.

And then that night we caught the Tuachan production of Plaid Tidings.

The show was good, but definitely targeted towards an older audience. It was suposed to be funny, but most of what made me laugh were the jokes that we (my sisters, parents and I) were making to each other. During the final act the fire alarm went off and we all had to exit, only to be given the go ahead to return to our seats a few minutes later. It kind of killed the play's momentum, but for some reason, it fit right in with the tone of the production. There was a lot of Christmas music, which made me feel excited that Christmas was just around the corner.

The next morning we packed up our things and headed home. I posted this picture before, but it best illustrates how we felt when we got home: exhausted.

All in all a pretty great trip.

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