Monday, December 17, 2012

birthday festivities

Today we celebrated Will's birthday. He's three now, so if you hear him tell you he's "free" don't think he's talking about his availability. Still working to master the "th" sound.

He started off the day by making scrambled eggs with Dad. Pants are not required in our kitchen.
 Enjoying the fruits of his labor.

In the morning we headed over to HyVee to get the fixings for dinner. Will requested hot dogs, and I only really like to eat hot dogs outside, so we compramised and he got a hot dog while the rest of us had pulled pork. I feel like he made a poor choice, but on your birthday you are entitled to a few bad choices.

For lunch we hit up McDonald's with Laura and shared some nuggets and fries. Will was more interested in playing I-Spy than eating.
In the afternoon he watched a show and then took a nap. He doesn't nap every day, so it was a real treat to have him willingly lay down and then stay down for almost two hours. Happy birthday to me.

In the evening my parents and Laura came over and we opened presents and ate dinner. Apparently Will only likes to smile with his mouth closed now.

 Taking a call during dinner.

We had some green cupcakes per his request. It took him a few tries, but he finally was able to blow all three candles out with help from his dad.

Will is a smart, silly, creative kid. I'm so glad we got to celebrate him today. Love, love, love this little boy. :)


Susan said...

Happy Birthday, Will. Glad he had a fun day. Being 3 is pretty awesome, or so my 3 year old says. :)

Jill said...

I can appreciate a good closed-mouth smile.

Tina said...

We love that little boy too. So fun to see him growing up. I can't believe that he's three already. Give him a big hug from us.

Lauren said...

Happy (Late) Birthday Will! He is looking so grown up.

It's been so long since we've seen you guys, it looks like you've done lots of fun Christmasy things!

The Cunninghams said...

Happy belated birthday will! Sounds like he had fun!

Carly said...

I am so mad we forgot to try to Skype. I even put an alarm on my phone to remind me. Happy birthday little man!