Saturday, October 20, 2012

weekly picture post

Sunday was an absolutely gorgeous day. After naps (for the kids) we spent some time together at the park. After walking along the trail and trying to scope out good spots for our upcoming family photos, we stopped at the playground. This girl loves to swing, so the girls hit up the swings while the boys climbed on the rocks. Both kids have gotten much more willing to try new things lately and it makes going to the park more enjoyable.

Monday evening our friend Lauren took some pictures of our family. Along the way there is some construction, so traffic is temporarily down to one lane. Some cars were whizzing past the line of cars that had moved over and it ticked TJ off. He decided to take things into his own hands, so he pulled into the middle of the two lanes to block the "cheaters." Despite his blockade, a few cars still zoomed past, so Anthony honked at them. The guy in the truck in front of us misunderstood our honks, and thought we were honking at him, so he vigorously gave us the finger. At that point the executive decision was made to get back in the lane and just let the people pass. Road rage is crazy.

Somebody really smart (me) neglected to secure the cover on our sand table. The kids didn't seem to mind. This was the first time Lauren really got to enjoy things. She has been pulling herself up on everything lately, as you will see below. 

Anthony observed recently that Lauren's arms seem to be getting (relatively) muscular. It's no wonder, when she pulls herself up all over the house. She loves the magnets we have on our fridge, and I have been finding them all over the house, as she climbs up, pulls them off, and then crawls away with them.

Lauren pulling herself up again. Both kids love our computers. Will frequently tells me he needs to check his email, and before I took this picture Lauren was banging away at the keys.


Friday evening our ward held the annual Soup and Bread Night. I made a white chicken chili that is pretty delicious, if I do say so myself.

The Maxfield's are here for the weekend, so we went downtown for the Fall Festival at the Power & Light District. Will and Weston posed with Big Bird after enjoying some delicious caramel apples. I tried to think of a good political joke to make about Big Bird, but my creative juices are zapped, so I'll leave that up to you.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

We are totally going to make the white chicken chili for our ward chili cookoff this month too. Happy birthday Lauren!