Tuesday, October 9, 2012

weekly picture post

After the drought this summer I was afraid we were going to lose most of our plants. We didn't exactly water our plants on a regular basis, and my dad informed me they looked stressed. Thankfully it's rained a bit more the past few weeks (and we started watering our plants) and what do you know, blossoms. I love the pops of color when we walk out our front door.

On Monday Tony got off work a bit early and we went to Deanna Rose. It was the first time TJ's gone with us this summer, and Will enjoyed being his tour guide. We probably spent the most time at any one thing with these bells.

Sometimes Will isn't very compliant when I want to take his picture. This photo also illustrates that he typically isn't very compliant when I try to comb his hair.

On Wednesday we visited the Louisberg Cider Mill with a group of friends. We went on a hayride, took a tour of the facilities where they make cider and doughnuts, and visited with friends. However, the apples are what Will remembers best. He kept bringing up the dump truck full of apples for days. Mmmm, those apples smelled so good.

Thursday we went to Antioch Park for playgroup, and then spent some time walking around the lake together. It wasn't crowded, so I used our camera's timer to get a shot of me with the kids. It's not my best picture, but the kids need some proof they spent time with me during their childhood. We were glad we spent as much time at the park as we did, because the weather got much colder as we got closer to the weekend.

Friday was kinda rough. I had a lot of sinus pain Thursday, so I took a decongestant that night. Well when I woke up Friday my nose wouldn't stop running and everything was making me sneeze. I get pretty bad fall allergies, so I'm fairly certain my discomfort was related to high levels of ragweed or something like that, but it was annoying nonetheless. Despite feeling a bit under the weather, we got out and ran some errands early in the day, but ended up cutting short or cancelling all other plans. With that preface, Will was very excited when Tony finished work and was able to play.

Lauren is pulling herself up on things all over the place these days. Saturday was a pretty low-key day hanging around the house with lots of conference listening, cleaning, and relaxing.

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