The day started off with Lauren waking me up just after 7am, and me stepping on Will as I got out of bed because he was lying there waiting for me to wake up.
Will threw a fit at breakfast because we didn't have orange juice (we rarely have orange juice) so I offered to make him some scrambled eggs. Normally I don't make a habit out of pandering to him, but I was feeling generous.
After breakfast (Will only ate about 4 bites of the eggs, sigh) I turned on PBS kids while I got ready for the day and checked my email. I laid Lauren down for a nap, which only lasted about 30 minutes. I fear she is giving up her morning nap. Double sigh.
We went to playgroup at South Lake Park, and had a really good time. It wasn't too cold and lots of our friends were there. The kids all wanted to take a stroll around the lake, so the moms agreed. Personally, I like it when Will wants to go on walks because it tires him out. We ended up walking around the lake 3 times, each time taking longer than the last.
When we got home I realized that Lauren's diaper wasn't able to contain all that she produced, and I had to strip her down. Never one to be left out, Will took his clothes off too, crawled around, and told me he was a big baby.
After the park we came home, ate a light lunch, and had some "quiet time." I spent some time reading this month's book club pick The Glass Castle. Will watched some Caillou and
Post quiet-time we did some shopping. First stop: Hy-Vee. Will loves the cookie club cookies, so he always behaves when we shop at Hy-Vee. Today was the first time Lauren got jealous of the cookie. The tear on her check is real. :(
Second stop: Aldi, which Will found to be an appropriate venue to showcase his acrobatic talents.
Third stop: Home Depot to pick up paint. Will was very excited they had their holiday decor out, and pointed out every Frosty, Santa, and reindeer he saw to Lauren and me. Sidenote: If you want to stimulate the economy, start a home improvement project. I have about 30 receipts (some are return slips) from HD over the past two weeks.
When we came home it was time to start dinner. Will helped TJ brown the pork chops for our Pork Chops and Rice. We have had this meal a lot since we found out about Lauren's allergies. It is simple, but still really good.
Pork Chops and Rice
Brown 6 pork chops in frying pan.
Spread 1 1/3 c. rice in greased 9x13 pan.
Pour 1 cup of OJ over rice.
Set pork chops on top of rice.
Pour 1 small can of chicken and rice soup over pork chops.
Cover and bake at 350 F for 45 minutes.
Uncover and cook for 10 minutes.
While dinner was cooking, we had a true milestone. Lauren stood on her own! Will and Lauren were playing with TJ and Lauren started to stand up. She has seemed to really grow up lately.
After dinner we bathed the kids and read some books. Both kids were asleep by 7:30pm. An early bedtime is the payoff for poor napping.
We tidied up a bit, worked out, watched some of the VP debate, watched some playoff baseball, painted, and then went to bed.
Even though the date was unique, it was a pretty ordinary day.
What room are you guys painting now? You've already painted your family room and your kitchen. You guys are so industrious! And the parks you go to look amazing!
Playgroup was fun. The walk was my favorite part. And, look, Evaline made your blog post - though from very far away.
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