Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I feel like we've been keeping pretty busy lately, but our blog has little to show for it. Some of the things, namely cleaning and packing aren't really photo-worthy.

I suppose Will makes everything photo-worthy.


After a few months of pathetic meal planning that I am whole-heartedly blaming on pregnancy and food aversions, I have regained an interest in cooking. And meal planning. And scouring food blogs for inspiration. I am posting links to two recipes that have been big successes at our house this past month. They are especially great for summer because neither require the use of the oven and we generally have most of the ingredients on hand.

The first comes from my friend, Holly's food blog. Rather than type it up again, I will send you to her.

Mexican Tortilla Skillet

The only thing I do differently is I generally use ground turkey instead of ground beef, and I also make sure to use a mild rotel. My acid reflux has been really bad this pregnancy so I have to go mild.

The second comes from the blog of a weight watchers leader. When I did WW after having Will I occasionally attended her meetings when I couldn't make it to my usual meeting time.

Slow Cooker Weight Watchers Lasagna

Again, I usually use turkey burger, and it tastes just fine. I also forgot to buy ricotta cheese and had to use cottage cheese as a last-minute substitute. It still tasted great. I would say to make sure you don't over-cook, especially if you plan to have leftovers and prefer your pasta al dente. The first time I made this I cooked it on low for about 5 1/2 hours and the next day the noodles were very soft.


I have given Anthony two haircuts since Will had gotten his last. Suffice it to say, the time had come. As great as the pseudo-mullet was, we were ready for cleaner-cut things. At least, I was. Will was fine with his shaggy 'do as long as it kept the clippers away from his head. Last Saturday, with the help of Anthony, Baby Signing Time and a watermelon dum-dum, I cut Will's hair. It wasn't pleasant, but it's done and I don't have to stress about it for at least two months.



My friend, Mitzi loaned me an awesome book that contains the pattern for this bag.

I never had a really good diaper bag with Will, and with two kids I know I am going to need something nice and roomy. This bag seems to fit the bill. I just finished it last night and was almost sad to do so. It's been really fun having a project to look forward to doing after we put Will to bed. We've been watching old episodes of Freaks and Geeks while I work, and that show makes me laugh every time I watch it. So clever. I'm hoping after we move and get settled I can start up another sewing project. If anyone has any cute or fun ideas send them my way.


We got in a minor car accident last weekend. Emphasis on minor. It didn't really seem to be that big a deal until the other party decided it should be. Needless to say, I am grateful for insurance. I don't think Tony has appreciated my increased backseat driving, but I just blame it on the other driver and how his erratic driving and dishonesty has caused me to lose faith in other drivers. :)


Carly said...

Will is seriously one of the cutest little boys I have ever seen. I don't lie about stuff like that. I cannot wait to see him and the new house!

The Cunninghams said...

cute bag! I'm sorry to hear about that car stuff though. I'm glad no one got hurt!

Jill said...

So if the mullet takes 2 months to resurface, does that mean he will be mulleted for Emily's wedding?

Emily said...

no mullets! unless tony grows one out too ;)

Jill said...

mulLETS! mulLETS! mulLET!