Sunday, June 26, 2011

we made it to church on time today(!) and other weekend ramblings

The time we arrive at church shouldn't be worth blogging about, but we've really struggled to make it on time this past month and we did it today! And Will went to nursery!

In other weekend news, despite waking up to rain on Saturday, the day ended up being quite hot and sunny. We visited the Lenexa BBQ Battle at lunchtime. Highlights include Will getting to ride a bus (we took a shuttle to the park) and some delicious samples of pulled pork.

After nap time we went to the pool and chased Will around for awhile. I love Saturdays with no major plans.

Oh, and here is my current "baby bump." This picture is mostly for my sisters who haven't seen me in awhile. Summer sure is hot when you're pregnant.


Emily said...

It maybe be hot when you're pregnant, but YOU are hot when you're pregnant :) owow!

The Cunninghams said...

It is hot this summer! At least we have to pool as an option, right?