Monday, April 18, 2011

hidden in plain sight

These days when I attempt to change Will's diaper, there is about a 25% chance it will actually happen as planned. Will likes to wait until I have removed his pants and am in the midst of dropping the pants/picking up the diaper to roll from my grasp and run from the room to hide from me. Here are his two favorite places to hide.

Behind our bathroom door.

He likes to watch for me from the crack. Too bad he doesn't realize that once I pass I can make it into the bathroom to get him.

Behind his towel, hanging from a doorknob in the hallway.

It is harder for him to see if I have come out in search of him from behind the towel, but luckily for me he breathes so loud, I never miss him.

For the most part he loves it when I find him.


Unknown said...
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Emily said...

For the most part i LOVE:

-the fact that he loves being chased
-chasing him
-his 'hiding' techniques
-your blog updates

Love, Aunt Emily

Meredith said...

the first picture made me laugh out loud before I even read your description...he is so dang cute