They arrived late Friday evening and we enjoyed catching up with them for a few hours. The next morning came pretty early (TJ and I have grown accustomed to our early bedtimes), but Will delighted us all by sleeping in until 8:15 am. I honestly cannot remember the last time he slept in that late. It was delightful. I was actually a bit relieved when I heard him stirring around 8am because I was starting to worry something might be wrong.
Why did we have to get up and going so early? Because the City of Mission was hosting the Bunny Eggstravaganza and we didn't want to miss out. They had an area roped off for egg hunts where they hosted multiple egg hunts (divided by age).
Here is Will getting in some pre-hunt stretches.
Our goal was for Will to get one egg, which he did, and he proceeded to call a ba-a-ball (his default word for anything round that he can throw). He preferred to hold on to the egg, rather than put it in his bucket.
He had so much fun that he would not leave the hunt area. In fact, he was one of the last kids on the field. I had to go in and remove him, much to his great displeasure.
Luckily hanging out with his aunt and uncle, blowing a few bubbles, petting a nice dog, and dancing were enough to help him move on from the disappointment he felt.
Proof that Will enjoyed the dancing:
We have no idea where he got some of those moves, but they make us laugh.
On the way out Anthony hit punching bag balloon all the way to the car to get Will to walk the right way. He's a bit independent sometimes.
The rest of the visit has less photo documentation, but was even more fun. Visiting, naps, Oklahoma Joe's, Ticket to Ride, Dominion, eating M&Ms, shooting hoops, and Will having his aunt read him his bedtime story.
We were able to end our weekend by attending church together Easter morning.
Thank you for stopping to see us, Ben & Hillary! You are welcome back any time!
So fun! Wish I was there. Loved those dance moves.
Fun!!! I couldn't get the dance moves to work for me to view Will bust his moves but I know his mom has some serious dancing ability so I can only imagine the booty shakin' Will's got goin' on! So cute on the easter egg hunt field!!
fun photos! + cute dress yesterday.
Jealous. I want to go to Mission's Eggstravaganza. Are you guys still hoping to come out to Utah this summer? We would love it!
Hr looks so happy about that egg! What a cute kid!
Fun Easter!
Looks like he sure enjoyed the hunting! Hallie loves dancing, too.
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