At fifteen months Will weighs in at 25 pounds and stands 31 inches tall. He's got quite the physique. And we better mention that he cut all four molars this month too. It was a painful time for him (and me) with refusals to nap and incessant fussing. Still working on the canines.
He likes to empty his toy bins and then yell into them. He really digs the echo.
He is still obsessed with balls. His arm is developing quite well.
He loves shoes. He has actually never tried to put on my shoes, but he loves to wear his shoes and put his feet into Dad's. Hasn't quite figured out how to walk in Dad shoes though.
His naps are in a state of transition. Most mornings we have a "quiet time" where I put him in his crib for half an hour or so. At first I would give him books to look at while he was in there, but he always throws them out, so he just sits in his crib and moans. Sometimes he falls asleep and sometimes he doesn't. If I don't put him in his crib, he often will come to me with a blanket or just whine like crazy. He still takes an afternoon nap though, thank goodness. I told Anthony the other day that his nap time is the most productive part of my day and I am not ready to lose it. He is actually pretty good at communicating that he wants a nap.
He's a real character.
I can totally hear you saying, "Do you need a snooze, Mr. Will?" in that syrupy voice you use for him and Brandi (may she rest in peace).
He is so great. I love that he knows when he wants to sleep. I am impressed that he even has quiet time in the morning. Sadie completely got rid of any kind of morning rest around her first birthday. She is now fighting to get rid of all naps- definitely not ready for that!
I think Henry and Will would get along perfectly! Henry is also obsessed with shoes and balls. Will is such a cutie!
So cute, Carrie! I can't believe he's that old...time flies.
Will is getting so big! He is such a boy, and really does look a little gangsta in that stocking cap! I love it! :)
That's fun he's such a character. Hallie loves balls and shoes, too. They'd have a great time together. Hallie's still kind of doing 2 naps--but I feel like that's odd for her age. Thank goodness, though!
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