Monday, January 24, 2011

steppin' time

Will has been teasing us for awhile now, but today he finally did it. He walked. That's right, he stood up and started to move. I had a hard time catching his walking with the camera, so sadly, at this point, this video is the best I could get.

I guess it goes without saying that he is very pleased with himself (and his parents are very proud of him).


Melanie said...

Yay, Will!!!!! He does look way proud of himself, and he should! Cute video!:)

Laura said...

YAY!!!!!!! Go Will!

Jill said...

Of course he waits to do this until just hours AFTER I leave. He was probably finally motivated to walk, to come visit me.

Carly said...

Walking makes kids seem so much older- and it's crazy how within a couple weeks he'll be great at it.

Sadie is so proud of you Will and maybe she'll stop calling you baby now.

Jilleen said...

Way to go, Will!! Now come on over here and teach Eliza there's nothing to be afraid of. ;)

Emily said...

That's my nephew!! Way to go, Will!

Michelle C said...

Hooray Will! He is such a cutie.