Tuesday, January 25, 2011

jill comes to town

Aunt Jillllllllll came to town and all we took was one picture. Well, we have several takes of this same shot, but you know what I mean.

We were too busy doing other fun things to stop and take a picture.


...enjoyed lunch at shawnee mission south and visited with a few of our former teachers.

...got a ticket. This wasn't really fun and wasn't Jill's fault, she just happened to be in the car at the time. And just in case you were wondering, it wasn't a moving violation. It was stupid.

...ate way too much good food.

...made way too much good food (pretzels and cookies and truffles, oh my).

...played lots of games (mainly Ticket to Ride and Harry Potter Clue).

...laughed a lot (it is hard to resist when my dad makes himself such an easy target).

Thanks for coming to Kansas, Jill, and making this cold January weekend a lot less blah. You're probably right, Will decided to start walking so he can visit his out of town peeps.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Do tell about the ticket! What kind was it, if not a moving violation? A parking ticket?