Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Willenium

Wow, the past year went by really fast.

I like to think we both looked (and felt!) a lot better this December 17th. I know I was much more relaxed in general.

Since you only turn one once, we decided to celebrate by partying it up Big Willie Style. During the day he received phone calls from various aunts and other admirers. He was so touched by the calls he was basically speechless.

That night we had dinner at Red Robin with my parents, and Will decided to act like a divo (male diva). He only got away with it because it was his birthday, but we made the executive decision that we are probably going to be a to-go only family from now on (not that we eat out that much now to begin with). It is just too much work to keep him happy during dinner, I would much rather fight those battles in the comfort of my own home. After dinner we went to my parent's house where my mom had cake. Will really wanted to touch the cake, but he wasn't too interested in actually eating it.

Making a mess with the frosting and getting his shirt taken off were enough fun for him.

The next day we had a few of Will's friends and their parents over to continue the celebration. The highlight for Will was probably the birthday song. He really loves singing and I'm pretty sure he assumes all singing is for him. On TJ's birthday a week later, he beamed during that birthday song too.

He wasn't really sure what to make of all the gifts. He didn't quite get the whole wrapping paper/bag thing, so I had to help him. He did try to give each gift a thorough inspection with his mouth. He's been working on four new teeth for over a month now--yikes!

Once they were opened he loved them. Everyone was so generous! Between his birthday and Christmas, his toy collection has probably quadrupled. It is so nice having a bit more variety when we read and play with Will.

Here he is playing with the Little Zoomer's race track his Crane aunts gave him. His cousin Sadie got him some extra cars that go with the track too. Will loves cars.

All in all he had a great birthday. For me it has been fun to reflect back on his life. We are so blessed to have Will in our family. He is both good-natured and particular, pleasant and pesky. He almost always wakes up happy, and loves to be a part of everything. He makes the funniest faces and loves anticipation. He is a sweet boy and we love him.

Oh, and Will just wanted to say something to everyone who helped make his birthday great:

I'm pretty sure he refused to smile because he knew that's what I wanted from him.


Jill said...

Well, hopefully next year when Tom and I call to sing our Happy Birthday song, Will will be singing along.

Michelle C said...

Wow, I can't believe he's a year either!! Our babies are so grown up. He is sure cute!! I love that picture with the "Thank you!" I might just have to steal that idea for the future. Love it!!