Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day

If anything is worthy of a blog entry, it would be Will's first time playing in the snow.

He was a bit excited at first, then apprehensive, then mad. It was a bit windier than I realized by the time we finally got outside, but we still went because I wasn't about to waste all the time and effort I had put into getting us both snow-ready. Will had a hard time moving under all his layers, so he pretty much stayed in the same place and hit at the snow. He liked it better when he was on my lap. We'll have to try it again when it isn't quite so cold and see what he thinks then.


Jill said...

comparing this to his love for the pool, it seems he might be more of a summer boy.

Laura said...

i believe jill is correct. he's like you: he likey the summer