Okay, here goes:
December 2010
- Dec 1--Traveled to Omaha, NE, to watch the BYU Cougars beat the Creighton Blue Jays.
- Dec 4 & 5--Game nights and holiday parties. Too much good food.
- Dec 6-10--Pretty much spent every waking moment I wasn't taking care of Will working on the final project for my class. There is a reason my professor warned us to spread the work out over the course of the semester. The project was really time consuming. I probably averaged 5 1/2 hours of sleep Monday and Tuesday night and Wednesday and Thursday I went to bed after 3am. Yuck.
- Dec 10--Final project due. Cut things a little too close for comfort, but I passed the class, got an A on my project and that's all that matters, right? Thanks to TJ for helping me figure out how to get my pages to number correctly in my sleep deprived state.
- Dec 11--Ward Christmas Party. The last hurrah for the activities committee.
- Dec 13&14--Tony in DC for work.
- Dec 17--Big Willy turns one.
- Dec 18--Birthday party for Will, BYU bowl game, and sister Melanie arrives home for the holidays.
- Dec 20--Will + 1 year check up and shots = one year old in a very bad mood. Attempt to clean house, do lots of laundry, and prepare for trip to Boston while appeasing child who cannot be pleased.
- Dec 21--Sisters Jill & Emily arrive home for the holidays.
- Dec 22--Fly to Boston. Little sister, Melanie's 21st bday. I don't feel like it has been that long since I turned 21.
- Dec 23-25--Christmas Festivities with John Family.
- Dec 26&27--Wedding preparations with John Family.
- Dec 28--Wedding festivities for Hillary and Ben.
- Dec 29--TJ's 30th bday and our scheduled flight home. Flight was canceled, but we didn't find out until after we got to the airport--after checking the flight status multiple times throughout the day.
- Dec 30--Bonus day in Boston, but sad to miss my mom's bday celebrations in OP. Enjoyed some Friendly's ice cream sundaes and very memorable games of Apples to Apples and Catchphrase.
- Dec 31--Quiet day with John's before catching evening flight back home. If you ever want to travel when there are absolutely NO lines in security, fly after 6pm on New Year's Eve. We arrived home a little after 10pm and barely made it up til 12.
One last thing, is it too late to send out Christmas cards? I had such good intentions and then the month got away from me. Maybe I could change them to Happy New Years cards or something like that...
I want a Christmas card! Besides, you're supposed to keep the Christmas spirit with you all year long, right? You would just be living that philosophy:).
Cute pics, btw!
Wow, what a month! I didn't realize you added finishing up a class to all the usual December activities -- celebrating both your Thomas John's birthdays, celebrating Christmas with both families, traveling hundreds of miles, both by car and by plane, shopping and packing...it makes me tired just to think about it. It was GREAT to have you guys here, and amazing that you were all in such great spirits after such an exhausting month! We look forward to the next time we see you.
You covered the whole month! Sounds like a fun but busy one. Are you done with school. That's fun that you made it out to Boston. I hope you're doing well.
Crazy month! Hopefully you had a lot of fun though!
Sounds like you had a busy, but fun month!!!! :) I LOVE that Santa suit, just adorable!! (the things we do for a cute photo, right?) :) Will is just darling! I can't believe he is ONE already!!
I thought our month was bad...not even close to yours!!! Glad you made it through and survived it (and well I would say!) Happy Birthday to Will and Melanie and Tony!
haha I love the picture of him in the santa suit! He's a cutie.
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