Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"You better watch your back, *****!"

Yes, some one just yelled that at me. Apparently asking someone to stop wrestling in my doorway makes me a *****. Let me explain.

After work today I decided to come home and study rather than go to the library. It is rainy and cold I didn't want to deal with the wetness and puddles that are Missouri State after it rains. So I ate some homemade tomato soup, put on Tony's Red Sox sweatshirt, and started my last (yay!) assignment of the semester. About 5 minutes after I start reading I can hear these people talking right outside our door. At first I'm just annoyed at our apartment, it has INCREDIBLY thin walls. I tune it out until I hear this loud whack! I look out the peep hole to see who would be banging on my door. I see these two middle school aged kids--a boy and a girl, both of whom I think may be a bit slow--that I've seen around the complex. I open the door and ask if everything is okay. They assure me they are fine and apologize for hitting my door. I ask them why they hit the door. They said one of them tripped. Whatever. I know that isn't true but I say okay and go back inside. Not even a minute later I hear another bang! against the door and a sign we have on the wall and the mirror over our couch move. What is going on out there? I am really mad because I have a lot to do tonight and I need to work on my assignment. For the next minute I keep hearing these weird noises. Finally I look out the peephole again and see the two of them in the middle of a fight. The girl flings the boy off her back, then he runs back and knocks out her knees and tackles her. I decide to grab my phone so I can call our apartment complex office in case of emergency and open the door.

Me: WHAT are you doing?
Boy: (Sheepishly) Teaching her [the girl] how to fight.
Me: That is a bad idea.
Boy: I think it is a good idea. She needs to know how to defend herself.
Me: Nope, it's not. Get off of her right now.
Boy rolls off her (and reveals WAY too much crack in the process).
Boy: You can't make us do anything. We aren't doing anything wrong.
Me: Yes you are and yes I can. You both need to go home right now or I will call the office. You have banged into my door many times and if you do it again I will call the office and have one of the maintenance men come over and take care of you.
Girl: Let's get out of here.
Me: Yes, go home.

The boy doesn't say anything to me, but they kind of walk off. I go into my apartment. I can now see them out our living room window. The boy starts yelling towards the window as the girl walks towards her apartment. I can't exactly hear what he is saying, but judging by the shapes his mouth was making I could make some pretty good guesses. I walk outside and hear him yell, "You better watch your back, *****!"

So I tell him I heard that and he ran home.

All I wanted to do this afternoon was study and now I feel bad because I was mean to special 8th graders. It's these watching-my-back times that I'm glad to have Tony around. He is much stronger and a much more skilled "fighter" than me (or that kid).


Laura said...

Oh my goodness! What a freak! If that was me I would have punched him in the face if he was being that stupid!
Sorry he ruined your studying time.

The Cranes said...

Oh Carrooo - no fun. You handled it just right. Next time that boy comes around, Tony needs to go out and tell HIM to watch his back.

Melanie said...

welcome to the thug life my dear. good luck watching your back.

D said...

You've gotten so street since you left Provo. And rest assured. Tony always had my back here, and I never once got beat up. So there you go.