We have a new addiction and it is Scene It? on xbox. No, we do not have an xbox, but our good friends Pat and Steph do. We've spent hours both Friday and Saturday night playing. I'm a bit bugged that Anthony has won so many times, but I'm pretty sure his wins can be attributed to the fact that he has SO MUCH more experience with video game controllers than I do.

It is hard to describe for sure what it is that makes Scene it? on xbox so fun. I've played many versions of Scene It? (ESPN, Harry Potter, Friends, Regular) and it was alright, but certainly not addicting. I think it is the wide variety of puzzles and games. I'll give him props--Anthony is pretty tough to beat on anagrams and crosswords. The credit roll and movie poster challenges tend to up my score. There is enough variety that everyone can be good at something. So, if you have an xbox and are looking for a fun game, Scene It? may be the game for you. Especially if you want to invite us over sometime soon.
1 comment:
I wish I had known about your recommendation when we were making our christmas lists...hopefully we will remember for next year.
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