Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So This is Chrismas...

This Christmas we spent a few days in the OP before we headed to Boston to spend a week with the entire John family. We had a ton of fun with our new footie pajamas, courtesy of my mom. We took a few pictures for a Chirstmas card we will probably not send out until next year (oops, my bad). Here is Matt with the John family's Christmas Tree.
While in Boston we did a lot of singing. One night we sang to a group at a facility for the elderly and the next night we caroled for friend's of the family. This is the cool sign the hospital had up announcing our performance:
We had a ton of fun in Boston, so much fun in fact, that we forgot to take very many pictures. Hopefully Meredith and Carly got some good ones and will post them on their blogs. Here is a picture of Anthony and Alicia hanging out.We had a great Christmas week and hope everyone else did too.


Meredith said...

We didn't take any pictures either, but we did take a few videos. Someday I will post them. I guess we were having too much fun to stop for photos, oh well.

Carrie said...

Chris is on the phone, so I can't show him this post, but I know he will be jealous! He has been yearning for footie pajamas for years now - you'll have to let me know where you got them! As for now, Cami will have to be the footie-PJ mascot for our house...

Anonymous said...

Ok, I love the pic! The pj' pic is soooo cute!!!

alli taggart said...

those footie pajamas are HALARIOUS!
oh, and we were driving to salt lake the other day and I saw the billboard for the creepy "husband and wife" store! funny that i've never seen it before now.

Rick said...

Those are some sweet pj pictures Tony. Seriously it's about time I see another guy in a picture with a bunch of girls.