Our lives have been fairly boring recently and we don't have much to blog with. But want to update our blog, so I copied this idea from my cousin's blog. Here are 100 things about me:
- I enjoy bowling.
- I have never dyed my hair.
- I hate paying full price for anything.
- I like to read celebrity gossip magazines like US Weekly or People at the checkout stand, so sometimes I look for the longest line so I can peruse the magazines for longer.
- I watch Law and Order almost every day of the week.
- I don't like milk.
- I have a hard time sleeping without a fan.
- I have never broken a bone.
- I loved going to college at BYU.
- My favorite colors are red and green, but not together.
- I am not as patient as I would like to be.
- I check our bank account everyday.
- I love candy, however I go through phases as to what is my favorite. Right now I really like nerds and snickers.
- I am monumentally bad a video games.
- I'm not a cat person.
- I love to read.
- My sister Melanie makes me laugh really, really hard.
- Even though I sometimes complain about it, I really like my calling as Wolf Den Leader.
- I like to run when it is nice and cool outside, at like 6 in the morning or 8:30 at night in the summer.
- I love to feel the sun on my skin.
- I am a pool rat.
- I don't like merging onto the highway.
- Tony is nicer to me than I am to him.
- He is the perfect husband for me.
- I couldn't ask for better parents. I love my family.
- I couldn't ask for better in-laws. I love Tony's family.
- I have the four best sisters ever.
- I have the four best sisters-in-law ever.
- I have the best three brothers-in-law ever.
- I feel so blessed to be part of such wonderful extended families.
- I love tomatoes and cheese. Almost every meal I make has one or both of these things in it.
- I don't like being cold.
- I am better at making lists than I am at checking things off of them.
- I love the smell of clean laundry.
- I wish I had longern (thinner) legs.
- I wish I could dance as well as my sister Laura. All of my sister's think I dance weird. To them I say, "Whatever!"
- I used to think I could lay down on the Y and cover it up.
- I love flowers, especially tulips.
- I miss getting candy--especially chocolate covered cinnamon bears--from the BYU Bookstore.
- My favorite job was working at the BYU Bookstore, such great friends and co-workers.
- I love Papa Murphy's.
- I love Tony and am grateful for how hard he works for our family.
- I love the feeling you get in your stomach when you descend on a roller-coaster.
- I really like the movie 13 Going on 30.
- I love getting emails or real letters/packages in the mail.
- I think I have adult ADD.
- Sometimes I tell Tony I think A-Rod or Jeter are hot because it bugs him. Sometimes I say random things to check and see if he is really listening to me.
- I love taking my family's dog, Brandi for walks around the neighborhood.
- Sometimes I am sneaky.
- When I was younger sometimes I would suggest things to my sister Emily. You know, things I thought could be interesting, but didn't want to get in trouble for doing them myself.
- I was lucky to have really great roommates in college.
- I had a horrendous awkward phase. It was long and it was brutal.
- Because of this I hope my children don't look too much like me.
- I don't like looking at pictures taken of me circa '95-'00.
- I love McDonald's french fries.
- I like being tan.
- I am sentimental.
- I love reading the teachings of King Benjamin. It's my favorite part of the Book of Mormon.
- I wish I could go out to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes with Jill tomorrow for some WonTon chicken happiness.
- I love to laugh so hard my sides ache.
- I am excited to teach personal finance and management classes one day.
- I write everything down in my planner.
- My favorite month of the year is May.
- My mom is the kindest and most sensitive person I know.
- I like watching sports with Tony.
- My favorite church hymn is "In Humility Our Savior."
- I really dislike the TV Show "Deal or No Deal."
- I am a major procrastinator.
- I don't like chocolate cake, or any cake really, but especially not chocolate.
- I eat a bag of 100 calorie popcorn almost every day.
- I love finding connections, between people and things.
- Josh Groban music sooths my soul.
- I always wanted an older sister or brother.
- I am really interested in politics.
- I like doing "horace and jasper" things with my dad.
- I want to have a lot of kids, and after we have all our kids I want to get a dog.
- I like doing crafty things.
- I wish I was better at decorating our apartment.
- When I was younger I wanted to be Stephanie Tanner.
- I like having inside jokes with people.
- My favorite drink is water. I never order drinks at restaurants.
- I am happy to be living so close to two of my best friends from high school again.
- I am often irrational.
- Sometimes I have double-standards.
- And I am really grateful Tony puts up with them so nicely.
- I am pretty shy, I want to be friends with everyone, but I get scared and intimidated pretty easily.
- I have always thought boys were cute.
- I am glad I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I can't imagine my life any other way.
- I don't like breaking bills, like I would rather spend four dollar bills than break a five. Weird.
- I like to sew.
- I feel anxious when our apartment is messy, I guess you could say I'm a clean freak.
- I have a hard time falling back to sleep if I get woken up in the middle of the night.
- I like songs with a strong and happy beat.
- I miss going to BYU sporting events.
- I love those AT&T commercials with the mom, daughter and grandma texting. I laugh so hard every time I see them and I try to use their abbreviations when I talk.
- I like playing card games.
- My favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid.
- I wore braces for nearly four years.
- I changed my major four times at BYU.
- I am happy and content with my life today.
Hmmmm... I wonder why your favorite month of the year is May. Could it be because of, i don't know, your birthday?!? And you're right, you do have the best sisters in the world :)
This made me laugh! I actually didn't know some of those things, but a lot of them I did and had fun remembering! My favorite: Sometimes I am sneaky - oh yes you are.
Loved learning more about you. I've been tagged to do that and I've been putting it off but maybe I will sit down and do it one of these days. Hey how did you get the pic of you guys in the header? Did it just fit or what did you have to do to make it work? It really looks nice.
i also wish we could go to sweet tomatoes tomorrow! we will for sure when i am home, and multiple times if i am home for an extended period of time this summer (if zimmy hooks me up).
i feel like i could respond to like 95% of these, but there i just not time or space for that right now. maybe you will get an email instead. i know you like those (according to number 45).
Wow, it was fun to learn a little more about you. I think I will have to borrow this idea for my blog too!
I also get anxious when our apartment is messy! But, I think I rather break my bills then try and scrounge for change and stuff in my wallet! Fun stuff!
Oh I'm sad LegaLees didn't make it on the list! Even though I know secretly that was your favorite! And, that I was your favorite co-worker! :) haha...Anyway loved reading your post, and by the way I totally wanted to be Stephanie Tanner too! I actually lived a few blocks from Jodie Sweetin's house...and I saw her at our gym when I was in 8th grade, we were on the stair steppers! :)
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