Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Not so Super

I thought this week was suposed to be super. Super Bowl Sunday, Super Tuesday, etc. Well, things have just not been going our way this week. Things actually started being un-super last week when both of us were experiencing flu-like symptoms. Apparently there is a flu epidemic spreading across Missouri State and we both caught it. We spent the weekend eating saltines and drinking carbonated beverages. Sunday was the Super Bowl. It was an exciting game, but again, not such a super ending. Yesterday was Super Tuesday. In our own state, and across the country things didn't go the way we would have liked. It is exciting to vote in a battleground state and feel like your vote is important. Unfortunately, only 29% of our fellow Missourians felt the same way about the candidates. I would just like to point out that we were NOT part of the 42% of Greene County registered voters that voted for Mike Huckabee. I'm starting to wonder if there is any correlation between the lack of driving skill in Springfield and poor choice for President. On our trip to the polls and back we encountered MULTIPLE bad drivers.

On a more cheerful note, we feel very blessed to live in a country where we are able to vote peacefully and without fear. Even if we don't agree with the outcome, it is such a blessing to have agency. We are so blessed to be allowed to think for ourselves and believe whatever we want to.

Disclaimer: While we were engaged we watched the movie "I heart Huckabees" one evening. I didn't even make it through the whole thing. I thought it was the weirdest movie I had ever seen. Hopefully it was just because we saw the Clean Flix verison and un-edited the movie made more sense. Regardless, I thought it was funny that my least favorite candidate has the same name as the movie we make fun of for being the worst movie we have ever watched together.


The Kammeyers said...

Hey! Tony, Aaron mentioned you guys have a blog listed on your facebook, so we thought we'd take a look. :) I hope you don't mind, but we added your link to our blog. Haven't actually met you guys yet, but hope all is well. :)

marquita chiquita said...

Hey Carrie, I love the look of your new site! It has been such a long time since I posted---but I did today!

I was skimming through your posts trying to catch-up and I saw the creepy photo of Micheal Jackson on Home Alone...yeah, creepy.

I hope you are all doing well!

Jill said...

thank you for giving me something to read during class.
i am inclined to believe there is correlation between bad drivers and bad voting choice. except there are quite a few bad drivers in utah...