Tony is making LOTS of friends in our ward's primary. Last weekend both of us baby-sat for two boys in the ward, ages five and six. They both LOVED any attention they got from Tony while I was just 'the girl.' One of the boys has a bit of a problem going to primary--he hates it--so while I was teaching my class Tony went with him to Junior Primary. He clearly made a big impression because this week kids all over the place were saying hi to him. When we walked down the hall by the Primary Room/Nursery after church it was like walking with a rock star. Not really, but there were a few kids who waved and made sure he saw them too.
Anyways, I'm just glad I've got nearly two decades on most of these kids. But who can blame them, what's not to love?
Fun stuff, I can so picture Tony hanging out with the littl pepes and having a great time. Thanks for the tip on the header, I think I will try an actual picture next.
That is precious! I wish we had primary kids in our ward! :) By the way are you still doing cub scouts?
Yes I am still doing Cub Scouts. I team teach with another woman in the ward on Sundays and then we work together with the Wolves (8 yr old cub scouts) on Tuesday nights. It certainly makes life entertaining!
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