April 21 |
Sunday evening Anthony introduced Miles to the fine art of armpit farting. If the picture doesn't make it obvious, Miles thought it was hilarious. He was close to weeping, he could hardly contain his joy.
April 22 |
Monday evening Anthony helped Lauren with some difficult math homework because she was feeling very frustrated. Lauren is in the integrated math class and was tasked with figuring out surface areas, but had not yet been taught the Pythagorean Theorem. Anthony taught it to her and then she was able to get the correct answers. The next day her teacher confirmed that they needed to use the Pythagorean Theorem to get the correct answers and that the questions were in the wrong section of the textbook.
April 23 |
Elliott has me bring a bat, ball and glove up to the park after school. If I am not there waiting at the bottom of the hill he and his friends come running to find us to get said baseball equipment. Elliott has a great group of buddies to play with at the park after school this year.
April 24 |
Miles and I met up with Leo and his family at the zoo after school on Wednesday. It was a gorgeous day, so of course it was crowded. We had to park the farthest away I've ever parked. We still managed to have fun. Our zoo experience included riding the train, playing at the playground, trying to feed the goats and being told they weren't doing that for the time being (some new zoo policy), feeding the camels instead, and riding the carousel.
April 25 |
Wednesday evening Will played his euphonium at the South Area Band Festival. This is the biggest concert of the year, all the bands associated with Shawnee Mission South get together and perform in the SMS gym. The elementary school bands, middle school bands, and various high school bands all get a chance to play. This year Will's band played "Semper Fidelis," and a Michael Jackson Hit Mix. They also played "America the Beautiful," combined with the other bands.
April 26 |
Friday evening marked the end of an era. The Pink Thunder played their final competitive game together, winning 7-1. Several of the girls scored, including Lauren, who scored a goal towards the end of the first half. With this win the girls secured their A handful of the girls and a few of the parents were in tears as the team walked off the field together for the last time. Being part of this team has been a great experience for Lauren. Immediately after the game we headed to OPC for the annual carnival and had a blast. It was the best OPC carnival in our 9 years of attending.
April 27 |
Saturday morning Elliott played his first official game of baseball for the 2024 Spring Season. His team is playing "up," which means they are second graders playing against third graders. The kids are pitching for the first time, which always changes the nature of the game a bit. He was the starting pitcher, and pitched well. He gave up 2 runs and several hits (though there were a few fielding errors that allowed players to get to first base). He went 1 for 2 when up to bat, but didn't score. Elliott had a great attitude and I am excited to see how he develops this season. There was a mix-up with his uniform and he had to wear an orange shirt of Lauren's to match his team. We were out of town when they handed out uniforms, and then the head coach was out of town this week.
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