Sunday, April 21, 2024

2024 :: week 16

April 14
We spent most of Sunday driving home after making a slight detour to Hewitt to attend the Hewitt Ward Sacrament Meeting. The kids had pretty great behavior on the trip. We stopped at the Fort Worth area Buc-ees for a late lunch, then again at a gas station on the NE side of OKC for gas and a bag of candy each. At some point I restarted my phone and it reconfigured my google maps to the "avoid tolls" settings. As a result we spent about 30 mins avoiding I-35 and driving 55mph on Kansas State Highways. Everyone had a pretty good attitude about that too, though we were all pretty anxious to get home. While we drove Anthony and I listened to the audiobook The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. We stopped it several times on the drive to discuss what we were learning. 

April 15
The kids had no school on Monday and we took it nice and slow that morning. Around 10am we went to CFA to get the free "mystery breakfast item" of the day, which was a 4 count chicken mini. I also bought a greek yogurt and hashbrowns to share. On the way home from CFA I needed to pick up an order from Target, so I dropped the kids off at the back of the parking lot so they could run home. In the afternoon Jude and Adrian came over to hang with Will, while Townes came over to play with Elliott. It was a nice slow day to recover from the trip and ease back into regular life. 

April 16
Cat and Sally came over to hang out with Lauren after school. When Charlotte came to pick them up we ended up talking for close to an hour, even though we told the girls we wouldn't talk because the Hagmans had a busy night. Oops! This is a picture of our backyard--where the girls snuck off to via the front door because the parents were chatting in the kitchen. While we were gone our backyard neighbor to the left replaced their section of the fence.

April 17
Wednesday evening we attended our final Kindergarten round up. Miles was very excited to go, a little nervous when we first got there, and absolutely beaming when we went to pick him up. The incoming kiddos were assigned a kindergarten classroom where they did a few activities and met the specials teachers while the parents filled out paperwork and listened to introductory spiels from the principal and school nurse. I laughed out loud at one of the questions on the ASQ (ages stages questionnaire). It asked, "is your child too friendly with strangers?" This child is rarely friendly with people he knows! Though a lot of that is his about being shy instead of being rude.

April 18
Elliott is in his grade's advanced reading group. This month they have been working on "research projects" about famous inventors. Elliott chose to research his great-great grandfather Harvey Fletcher, the inventor of the early hearing aid. 

April 19
Friday morning was the annual 6th grade balloon launch. Lauren worked with Allie and Osmar, though the girls did most of the work. I think the weather was better suited for the launches this year than when we went up for Will's launch back in 2022. Their balloon went really far! It went up over the playground, and landed on the other side of the trees in the park. I was so proud of them!

April 20

I had big plans for Saturday, but a headache got the better of me. It has been so windy lately! And the pollen count is so high! We went to IKEA to pick up and a new dresser and then bought lunch. While we were sitting in the bright cafeteria my head really started to hurt. I ended up needing to go home and rest for a few hours. I recently started taking a new migraine medication (Nurtec) that I like better than sumatriptan. I took one of those and my headache went away, but so did my energy. Elliott got invited to Carter's birthday party in the afternoon, and they invited the younger siblings to come and use the bounce house at the end of the party. Miles counted down the minutes until we could take him over. In the evening we zoomed with Nana & Papa. 

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