January 28 |
Miles and Dad played catch with the football while we watched the Chiefs take on the Ravens. I was a bit anxious as we watched the game, but they played well and are heading back to the Super Bowl in a few weeks!
January 29 |
day I was dreading finally came. The city chopped down the ash trees along Bond. It feels so naked when you walk or drive down the street. I am sad. Luckily within the week they were back, ground up the stumps and planted new trees all along the street.
January 30
Tuesday evening Anthony and I took Will to the "Come Look at South Night," at SMS. I am excited for all the opportunities coming Will's way as he heads to high school. He is planning on band, and is hoping to get involved in the digital media program (these classes have limited enrollment and freshman get lowest priority). I was flattered Will was willing to pose for this picture with me. I can't believe my baby is going to be going to the same high school I did later this year.
January 31 |
Miles is getting pretty good at writing, letters and numbers. He wrote this paper that says "4 Miles 40 Mom" all by himself. He likes that he is 4 and I am 40 years old.
February 1 |
He's at it again! Grabbing Elliott's backpack and making sure it doesn't get left behind. Miles is definitely the Felix to Elliott's Oscar if they were the Odd Couple.
February 2 |
Lauren bought Elliott this mini Bop It! game for Christmas and the kids have had fun trying to beat each other's records.
February 3
Another busy Saturday with basketball for both Will and Elliott, football for Elliott and volleyball for Lauren. Four sports for three kids has made for a busier winter than I expected, but it has been so cold I'm glad the kids have gotten plenty of chances to be active. This Saturday Anthony was asked to be line judge at the volleyball match and he took the responsibility very seriously. In the evening I went over to Allison Bishop's house. She has been serving as our ward's Primary President, but as of tomorrow I will be taking over. Allison and her presidency and me and the new presidency met to share ideas and ask questions. It was a good meeting and I feel a little less overwhelmed.
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