Sunday, January 28, 2024

2024 :: week 4

January 21
Will enjoys hanging out with Calvin, and it appears the feeling is mutual. They are currently the oldest and youngest Crane cousins, but on Tuesday Laura is scheduled to have a C-section and Crane grandkid #16.

January 22
Monday was--you guessed it--another snow day! I really wish our district could figure out how to do a delayed start. This bonus day off the Benson boys came over to hang out. They walked with Will to Five Guys for lunch. Will had some Five Guys gift cards burning a hole in his pocket and what better time to walk there than on a cold, icy day off from school.

January 23
Tuesday after school Daphne and Nicholas came over to hang out with Lauren and Elliott. The girls melted chocolate chips and dipped strawberries in them for a delicious snack.

January 24
Wednesday morning Emily and I went over to Jill's house to help her clean her blinds before her baby comes in the next few weeks. 

January 25
Part of Will's ritual when walking into his piano lesson is dunking on Miss Julie's hoop. Lauren finds this incredibly annoying, while Miles thinks it is hilarious.

January 26
Miles is Mr. Responsible. More often than not he picks up Elliott's discarded coat and backpack and brings them to me. 

January 27
It was another busy Saturday, though not quite as bad as last week. Elliott only had basketball, and he played in the new Nike court shoes I found at Saver's on Friday. Lauren had volleyball and Will had church basketball too, but the times were spread out so we could easily make all three events.

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