October 2 |
Sunday morning we hosted a pre-conference brunch with the local family members. Jill made a delicious breakfast casserole, Dad made bacon and I made orange rolls. I struggled to stay awake during the morning session with all that yummy food in my stomach.
October 3 |
Monday was Pepapw’s birthday and we gathered that evening to celebrate. Jill made a delicious German chocolate cake and we lit 67 candles to mark his birthday. When the candles were all lit up the cake appeared to be on fire. I have never been close to a cake with so many candles before, it was truly a sight to behold.
October 4 |
Usually Anthony gives Miles a ride to preschool on his way to work. However, this week Anthony was working out by the airport conducting job analyses for medical assistants and surgical technologists. NCCT enlists the help of SMEs (subject matter experts) to tell the psychometricians what they do in their jobs. This is just one of many step in the test development process. Because Anthony was unavailable to take Miles I got to take him. It really pushed me to get out the door by 7:45, down a parent to help with breakfast, but we made it on time everyday.
October 5 |
Will has started recording what he does each day on his calendar. I like seeing what he marks down at the "main event" of each day.
October 6 |
On Thursday mornings Will has late start. They don’t have their “wolf pack” (home room) and instead of starting at 8:45am they start at 9:20am. The bus schedule stays the same, so usually he just rides the bus and waits in the gym. Today he came with me when I dropped off Miles and we made good use of the extra time. We stopped at Great Clips to get him a haircut and then hit up Chick-fil-A for breakfast. I dropped him off at 9:10 and he was able to walk straight to class. Will has really seemed to thrive as a middle school student.
October 7 |
Elliott’s baseball season is drawing to a close. Friday evening he had his best slide of the season. We have missed some of his sliding this season. In kindergarten baseball each child got to bat, regardless of the number of outs. This year outs count and that has put a limit on how much sliding we’ve seen. He was proud of his cloud of dust.
October 8
When I got home from water aerobics Saturday morning I wasn’t sure where the kids were. I could hear laughter coming from Lauren’s room and when I went in to investigate I found Lauren snuggling with her little brothers. Lauren is a great big sister. This Saturday we did a deep cleaning in the bedrooms. Lauren’s room didn’t need too much because she’s regularly reorganizing, etc. The boys rooms needed more attention. We washed bedding, dusted, threw away a lot of trash, organized bookshelves and vacuumed.
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