September 25 |
Sunday evening Lauren's received an "owl." Her friend Clare--a fellow Harry Potter fan--is turning 11 and invited Lauren to a Harry Potter themed birthday party. Sunday our bishop hosted his first BYD. Will enjoyed it, but I did feel a little sad it wasn't at our house. I always enjoyed having all the youth come to our house.
September 26 |
Miles mimics the things he sees his older brothers do. He has started to line up baseball cards into teams and is pretty accurate with his sorting. Sometimes he tells me he is making the National and American Leagues, but he is much less accurate about that.
September 27 |
Doug and Tina stayed with us for one night as the passed through on their way home from their epic road trip. We did the things we usually do when Papa and Nana are in town--ate barbeque, played games and visited. Nana played several rounds of Bananagrams and Papa played Clue Junior. It was a fun bonus visit!
September 28 |
Lauren has been working really hard at soccer this year and it shows. Her coach emailed Anthony and me to compliment Lauren on her hard work and focus at practice, telling us she is "absolutely dominant" in their scrimmages. He also told us that her foot skills have really improved and that he would be starting her in their game Saturday morning. We felt so proud of Lauren and her hard work. She ended up playing really well in their game and had a great assist for the go ahead goal in the game.
September 29 |
I took Miles to a ward playgroup meetup after his school got out on Thursday. It was at a park I used to frequent when Will and Lauren were little and I felt a little nostalgic for those times. My life was a lot simpler then and park meet-ups with friends were a lifeline and highlight of my week. My life has gotten a lot busier and in the past few years I haven't prioritized park meet-ups like I used to. It was nice to spend an hour watching Miles play with friends while I got to know new friends better. Also, the weather has been amazing this week!
September 30 |
Friday evening we watched
Father of the Bride. I've had a hankering to watch it ever since we finished
Only Murders in the Building. I told my kids it was hilarious and, while funny it definitely was not hilarious. In my defense,
Father of the Bride Part II is much funnier, but we didn't have time to watch both. It was my first time watching the movie since I related more to George Banks than to Annie and I found myself feeling a little verklempt at several points in the movie.
October 1 |
Saturday we ventured to the Louisburg Cider Mill and we were in good company. It took us close to an hour to drive the final mile. At first we thought there was an construction, then maybe an accident, and then we realized it really was that congested and it was going to take awhile. There was talk of cutting our loses and turning for home, but all was forgiven once we were inside. The doughnuts and cider were delicious, and the kids had a lot of fun playing in the corn crib, bouncing on the jumping pillow. They had oversized playground equipment and Elliott had fun crossing the monkey bars while Lauren used the super high swings. All four kids came close to falling asleep on the drive home, a sure sign of a great time.
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