Monday, July 18, 2022

2022 :: week 28

July 10

Lauren worked on making bracelets for her cousins in preparation for cousins' camp with Nana and Papa next week. Lauren and Elise have been FaceTiming on Sundays and talking about and making plans for their week with Nana and Papa. As one of the returning campers Lauren is very excited to lead activities for the first timers. Lauren is a woman with a vision, and I am constantly impressed by her.

July 11
The big kids started theatre camp this week through Lenexa Parks and Rec. Miles and I stayed with Memaw at the rehab facility while they were at camp, and afterward I took the kids to 7-11 to get free Slurpee's. After a cool June, July has turned out to be incredibly hot.

July 12
It was some sort of little league night at the K Tuesday, and Will got to go to the Royals game and batting practice for free with his baseball team Tuesday night. Will was excited to get to go and was positively gleeful when he told us that Zach Greinke signed his hat. The Royals found a way to lose, but Will was so full of excitement from the game he barely cared. Will rode to the game with his friend and teammate Benji, but he also saw several friends and neighbors at the game too. 

July 13
Wednesday night was activity night with the church. Anthony was asked to help with the deacons at the pool. I had him take Elliott with him since they went to a Lenexa Pool, and he is tall enough to go down their slides. The height requirement at OP Pools is 48" while in Lenexa it is 42". While he rode the slide over and over the deacons were busy having a belly flop contest at the diving boards. Will came home with a red stomach and grin on his face because he got first place, bragging rights and a Slurpee for his efforts. Lauren and the Activity Girls had a Just Dance dance party and ate healthy snacks.

July 14
While the kids were at camp Miles and I spent Monday, Thursday and Friday at the rehab facility with Memaw. I packed up some toys, books and snacks to entertain Miles. He was a bit hesitant to get up on the bed with Memaw at first, but he came around. One of his favorite books to read with my mom is this book with classic kid songs, like "B-I-N-G-O," "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," etc. It made my heart happy to see them singing together again. We also brought some pictures of the family to hang up on the wall to brighten the room up a bit. 
July 15
Friday evening the kids put on their first performance of The Jungle Book. They performed it again Saturday afternoon. They did a great job, and I was very proud of them. Lauren was part of the body of Kaa, Elliott was a monkey, and Will was in the wolf pack. Unbeknownst to me, there were several kids from our stake and even a girl from our ward in the production as well. I pushed for all three of the kids to do this theatre camp together, not all the kids were equally as excited, and I am glad they all agreed to humor me. They each said they had a good time, though only Lauren would commit to doing a play again. At the very least they got the experience of working on a show and a few inside jokes with their siblings. 

July 16
On Saturday evening Lauren got to go horseback riding with her Girl Scout troop. It was one of the activities they were able to do because of their cookie sales. Lauren loved it! She last went horseback riding two years ago and cousin camp and said it was better that time because they let them have a little more freedom. It has been a busy few weeks of girl scouts. Last Saturday Lauren and I went and helped distribute food at a mobile food pantry with the troop and other parents. 

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