Sunday, July 10, 2022

2022 :: week 27

July 3
This bomb pop garland is a Lauren John original. She came up with the idea on her own and made several to sell at the summer craft sale her and Daphne planned. I think they turned out pretty cute. We hosted a small gathering for dinner on the 4th, and Lauren helped me decorate the house in preparation for our guests. She has quite the flair for decorating. 

July 4
We had a full and festive Independence Day. In the afternoon we went to the pool with the entire Crane family. That evening we hosted the family, plus the Throssells and Dana for dinner. Tony made smashburgers and everyone else brought sides and treats to share. The kids had fun playing games in the backyard, but it hot enough the adults ate and mingled inside. After dinner we walked to the park for Uncle Matt's 3rd Annual fireworks show. The kids had fun shooting off Roman candles and a variety of other smallish fireworks. Matt bought something about as big as Miles for the grand finale, and it was impressive. Then we went to the golf course to watch the OP Star Spangled Spectacular. It is always fun to see many old friends scattered across the grass when we go to watch fireworks. When I tucked Elliott into bed that night, he excitedly declared that the 11:40pm bedtime was "a personal record."

July 5
It was such a hot week! We talked about going blueberry picking or to Deanna Rose while the Staritas were in town but decided to just go back to the pool. This time the Allreds and most of the uncles weren't able to come. I wish I had remembered to get a group picture of the cousins when the Allreds were there. The kids had fun playing in the water. That evening Leah hosted Lauren for a girl's only sleepover at Memaw's house. Leah organized a few games for the girls to play, they sang some karaoke, and worked on some rainbow loom bracelets while watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

July 6
Wednesday afternoon we had the cousins over for some summer fun. We turned on the sprinkler, ran the bubble machine, busted out the freezer pops and filled up our wading pool and water table. The Staritas needed to go to bed that night because they had early flights to Minnesota for a Starita family reunion. It was fun spending time with them, though we had to adapt a few things with Mom in the hospital. Melanie spent a lot of time at the rehab center with Mom while she was in town. 

July 7
Lauren had her final softball practice Thursday night, and game Friday evening. Thursday evening the team took on parents and siblings at practice. Tony represented the John family in that match up. Will was disappointed he couldn't make it, but he was at a going away party for his friend Gunnar who is moving to Florida. Friday the girls went on to win their division in a hard-fought match-up. Lauren was excited to get some hardware. The team had a really fun energy this season and grew a lot. The team had two tournament games on Sunday, though Lauren did not play. 

July 8
After a busy Friday evening where Will, Lauren and Elliott each had an activity we picked up pizza and headed to Theatre in the Park. Thanks to the Sunflower Summer App we were able to get in for free. The show we saw was School of Rock, and though the actors did a good job, we enjoyed it less than other shows we have seen at TITP. We recently rewatched the movie and definitely preferred that.

July 9

Saturday afternoon Anthony's friend Kevin and his boys arrived, and we were able to spend the evening with them. They were en route to Utah from Florida and stayed with us for the evening. After going out to Joe's KC we used the sauna, played Boomerang Fu on the switch and hung out. Elliott and Miles played floor is lava with Coen, Kevin's youngest son. It was fun seeing them again, though Lauren was disappointed the Tame girls didn't come too after getting to know Avonlea at the Orioles' game we went to on our trip this spring.


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