Sunday, June 26, 2022

2022 :: week 25

June 19
Father's Day was weird this year. Anthony was out of town with his family and my mom was in the hospital. My sisters and I prepared a potluck meal for my dad: meatballs (Emily) and mashed potatoes (me) with apple crisp (Jill) for dessert. Dad didn't stay long because he doesn't like leaving Mom at the hospital alone for long.  

June 20
I told the kids we would get Chick-fil-A for breakfast while Anthony was out of town and they did not forget. I had trouble sleeping on Sunday night and tried to sleep in a bit on Monday. More than one child checked on me more than one time to make sure I didn't forget about my CFA promise. I was up well before 10:30am, when they stop selling breakfast, but apparently the kids didn't trust me when I said I would be up in time. Anthony left Saturday afternoon and didn't arrive home until after midnight on Tuesday. I have a lot of experience holding down the fort when Anthony is gone, but it was much harder this time. Bedtime was a struggle every night for one reason or another, it was super hot, and I was dealing with residual stress from my mom's stroke. 

June 21
Anthony's maternal grandfather, Robert Chipman Fletcher, passed away on June 14 at 101 years of age. Anthony and his siblings gathered in Utah, along with all their aunts and uncles and many cousins and loved ones to celebrate his life. Sunday the family gathered at Uncle Russ and Debora's house for BBQ and signing practice. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren sang "Each Life that Touches Ours for Good" at the funeral they cousin choir sounded wonderful. Sunday evening was the viewing. Monday was the funeral and Tuesday was the burial. In addition to the formal funeral events, the John kids got together at the Nielson's to play knockout and spend time together. Anthony had a great time reconnecting with his family.

June 22
Miles is really into sidewalk chalk. Lauren and Will are great about taking him outside and drawing with him. 

June 23
The boys and I waited in the van to pick up Lauren and Daphne after softball practice Thursday evening. Softball and baseball season is almost over and I am looking forward to a month off before fall sports start. While we were waiting I was feeling thankful for our van and how dependable it has been over the past 6.5 years. Also, Elliott has lost two teeth this past month and he loves showing off the hole in his mouth. 

June 24
Lauren's softball game was at 6pm so the entire family was able to attend. The team she played was tough, but the Monarch's came away with a decisive win in the final inning. It was a hot night. Will's team played immediately after Lauren's game was over, at 8:15pm. I took Lauren and the little guys home while Will's team played. One of Will's teammates walked off the field after giving up two walks. The coach put Will in and he pitched the entire game. Their team lost, but we were proud of Will for sticking with it and doing his best. His team is comprised of mostly 6th and 7th graders, playing against teams of mostly 7th and 8th graders. They have learned a lot, even though their record isn't very impressive. 

June 25
Lauren and Dad put together the Harry Potter Hospital Wing Lego set Saturday evening while I read from Worlds Collide, the final book in the Land of Stories series. We had a sports-free Saturday, which was really nice. 

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