Sunday, June 19, 2022

2022 :: week 24

June 12

Lauren gave a talk in primary on Sunday. Her assigned topic was "The Lord has done many wonderful things for me." Anthony helped her write her talk and shared a few examples of prayers that have been answered for our family. We have been doing a lot of praying for "a miracle for Memaw" these past few weeks, and have seen miracles. That evening we went to the Allred's house for dinner to celebrate Jill's birthday. Will was telling the family about the high adventure, and commented that his fellow deacons were impressed by his burping prowess. Aunt Jill challenged him to a burp off and I had to leave the room because I hate the sound of burps.

June 13
Elliott had a baseball game Monday night. Will's friend Gunnar has wanted to come to a game for weeks, but due to lots of rain and muddy fields it took awhile for schedules to sync up. Elliott was a little nervous with extra "fans" in the crowd and had the worst hitting game of his brief career. He made up for it with some great slides and doing the Griddy after he scored. I have since banned him from ever doing the Griddy at a game again. After the game Gunnar watched the Celtics game with Will and Anthony. Anthony has gained a reputation amongst Will's friends for being a very loud fan. Anthony yells at the players as if they can hear him, and Will's friends think it is hilarious. Will was playing a videogame with friends when Anthony was watching a game earlier in the playoffs and yelling "pass the frickin' ball!!" very loudly. Several of Will's friends heard his loud remarks as they were picked up on Will's mic and expressed interested in watching a game with Anthony in person.

June 14
Tuesday night Anthony took the kids to Shawnee Mission Park to meet up with friends from our new ward. Will had a great time on the high adventure and was excited to see some buddies. I stayed home to work on getting the house ready for the Gessell family who was planning to arrive the next day for a 4 day visit from Virginia. I had worked out a pretty fun intinerary and we were all really looking forward to their visit. Late that evening Anthony's mom messaged that Bobpa passed away. We knew that Anthony would need to head to SLC and the next morning Gessells postponed their visit so Alicia could travel to SLC as well.

June 15
Wednesday I was able to go to sit with my mom for awhile. I haven't been able to help as much as my local sister have, so I was glad to be able to go. My mom was having a good day. She 

June 16
Miles and Elliott completed their session of swimming lessons of Thursday. When I registered the boys for lessons in early April I was worried that the pool water would be too cold. It turns out that I didn't need to worry about how the cold the water would be at all. We spent a good portion of the week under a heat advisory! Elliott had a great time with his lessons and become quite proficient in front and back crawl. His kicking is a lot more coordinated as well. The goal for Miles was to do a bob and...he has yet to do a bob. But he will blow bubbles and put his face under while wearing goggles. I feel pretty good about where he is at. All of our kids have had to decide for themselves that they are ready to put their head under the water. 

June 17
Lauren had a late softball game Friday evening. Anthony and I left Will home to watch the boys, so we both got to watch the game without the usual distractions. She played really well! She caught a fly ball to record her first out of the game and went 2 for 3 hitting, with a really great hit just past second base. It is fun seeing Lauren grow as a softball player. Her coach has moved her up in the batting order as the season has gone on. Lauren didn't play softball in the fall, and started a year after a lot of the team, so her progress feels extra satisfying. That night 

June 18

Lauren has been making homemade popsicles almost every day this summer. She has used orange juice, apple juice, lemonade and chocolate milk. Everyone liked the lemonade the best, while the low-fat chocolate milk was the consensus least favorite.  

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