July 17 |
Anthony had his second high council speaking assignment this week, this time in the Kaw River Ward. He had to prepare his talk a few days early so it could be translated into Spanish and then projected onto a screen behind him--real life subtitles! I spent a few hours in the afternoon with my mom, then TJ brought the kids up to say hi and give her hugs before we headed west on our trip to Utah. Mom is doing really well and is expected to be discharged home on Thursday morning! She will continue to receive PT, OT and Speech at home. I am so excited for her to be in her own home.
July 18 |
Anthony, Lauren and I woke up at 3:15am Monday to get Lauren to the airport for her 5:35am flight to Salt Lake. This week was the 2nd biennial John family cousin camp. Cousins ages 8-11 are invited to spend a week with Nana and Papa in SLC. They plan a variety of activities and spend a few days in Big Cottonwood Canyon at a cabin Nana's sister owns. Two years ago Lauren and Will flew to SLC together, but this year Lauren flew out by herself. I was hit with a jumble of emotions as I watched Lauren board the plane--nervous, sad, excited--and the realization that my kids are only just beginning to embark on their own adventures.
July 19 |
Presenting the 2022 cousin camp crew--Millie (8) and Elise (11) from American Fork, UT; Weston (10), Nolan (8) and Derek (8) from McMinneville, OR; Lauren (10) from Overland Park, KS; Adelaide (8) from Lexington, VA. This photo was taken in the Timpanogas Cave. The hike was fairly steep and about 3.5 miles round trip. Other activities include visiting the Days of '47 parade floats at the Sandy Expo Center, swimming at the Cottonwood Heights pool, riding on the chairlifts at Solitude as well as hiking around Lake Solitude, hiking around Silver Lake, getting ice cream at Brighton and playing in the stream next to the cabin. Doug and Tina planned a few crafts as well--mini-birdhouses for the kids to paint and diamond art stickers. On their own the kids decided to write and preform a play for their parents on Friday and they spent many hours working on that. Lauren had a great time at cousin camp and Elliott is already looking forward to his turn to go in 2024.
July 20 |
Mom and the John boys hit the road bright and early Wednesday morning. Well, it wasn't actually
too early, but we were on the road before 8am. We made great time and around lunch time we realized we were going to be at our hotel by 4pm. After some deliberation we decided to cancel our reservation and drive straight through. We made it to American Fork around midnight and spent the night in Papa and Nana's new house. This was the first time our family has driven that far in one day. It went amazingly well and we will probably do it again in the future, though Anthony and I both agreed that pushing through is a better plan for the way out than the way back. We tend to stay up late when visiting with family and much more tired on the way home.
July 21 |
We spent Wednesday with Carly and Meredith (and Sadie and Grant and Lola Rose). In the afternoon we went swimming at the AF pool. Elliott was delighted to be able to go down the slide, that pool was much more relaxed than our pool here that requires you to be 48'. After the pool I met up with two of my favorite people, Candace and Melissa. We visited for four hours and could have kept on talking for four more hours if family responsibilities hadn't called us our separate ways. While I was with my friends Anthony and the boys were at the Nielsons. Family friend Ben and his family came over to catch up. I thought I was late when I got there just before 11pm, and we proceeded to continue visiting until after midnight. Miles fell asleep in my arms, he never does that but it was kind of sweet.
July 22 |
Friday we got to spend a few hours with the Toms. Laura had been feeling pretty sick earlier in the week so we were glad we got to see them. We didn't get to spend very much time with them when they were in town at the end of June because things were so chaotic, so it was nice to spend a little one on one time with their family. Miles was grumpy and we couldn't be too mad because we knew that we kept him up way too late. That afternoon we took naps, went to a park and met up with the family at a house Nana and Papa rented in Draper for the weekend. The cousin camp crew performed their play and we ate pizza and enjoyed an ice cream sundae bar provided by the Maxfields.
July 23 |
Saturday morning we hiked to the Bear Canyon suspension bridge. It was a hot morning and the hike ended up being a little longer than we anticipate, but everyone survived and most of us had fun. Poor Anthony got stuck carrying Miles most of the way. That afternoon we went to the Cottonwood Heights Pool. The water felt amazing! The pool has the traditional high and low dives, as well as much higher (5 and 7.5 meter) rock platforms you can jump off. Many of the older kids wowed the adults by jumping off the super high platforms.