Sunday, October 10, 2021

2021 :: week 41

October 3
We spent the better part of the day Sunday watching General Conference. Will drew this cool picture of President Nelson. It was a cold and gray day, so it felt extra cozy to be inside listening to conference. 

October 4
The kids have been wondering who/what was eating the pumpkins on our porch and Monday morning I caught Snowy in the act! Squirrels make me feel like Mr. McGregor from Peter Rabbit. I sprinkled some cayenne pepper around the pumpkins after this--my latest attempt to repel the squirrels--so fingers crossed the rest of the pumpkins survive the rest of the month.

October 5
Tony spent the first part of the week at a conference in Tucson, so the big kids and Miles joined me at Elliott's final baseball game. Watching Elliott play baseball this fall has been so much fun! He has so much enthusiasm and energy. 

October 6
Wednesday our school "celebrated" National Walk to School Day. We walk to school everyday, but it was fun to see a more friends than usual on our morning walk. Living so close to school is so convenient. Lauren has Math Club on Wednesdays and she was able to walk home while I was dropping Will off at piano.

October 7
While TJ was out of town I went on a cleaning spree. I started following @gocleanco on Instagram and was disappointed to realize that I have been neglecting my dishwasher. Being that we have hard water and I have never cleaned out the filter before it took me awhile, but I felt exhilarated looking at my "like new" dishwasher afterwards. 

October 8
Tony's flight back from Tucson got delayed multiple times so he didn't arrive home until 3am Friday morning. He was still sleeping when the kids left for school in the morning, so they were excited to see him after school that night. There was so much excitement an impromptu family wrestling match broke out!

October 9
The Staritas came to visit and we celebrated with an early Halloween party. Some of the kids dressed up in costumes, others dressed up in Halloween shirts Memaw provided. The main theme was sugar--we had a ghost piƱata, decorated sugar cookies and the kids trick or treated to the upstairs bedrooms. BYU beat Boise State, so the uncles were in a pretty good mood too.

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