September 26 |
I FINALLY got around to teaching Lauren how to use the sewing machine. She has been asking for most of this year and for one reason or another I had avoided it. This Saturday she is taking a sewing class with three of her friends and a basic understanding of the machine was a prerequisite. Luckily, Lauren was a quick study, and within a few minutes was comfortable threading the machine and sewing straight lines. By the end of the afternoon she was pinning pieces together and turning things right-side out.
September 27 |
A little behind the scenes of our annual family portraits. Emily always does such a great job, even though our kids range from eagerly participating and suggesting poses to awkward, unnatural smiles to active defiance. We took our pictures at the Liberty Memorial and then got each of the kids a Frosty from Wendy's to reward them for their patience and participation. We lucked out with a clear, gorgeous night.
September 28 |
I caught the boys walking home from school with the Sutherlins Tuesday afternoon. Living so close to the school continues to be a blessing in our lives.
September 29 |
When I was cleaning out our church bag I found this communique between Elliott and Will. Elliott asks, "Will do you want to play baseball," and Will responds, "No! We are at church!" These two boys make me laugh.
September 30 |
It was supposed to rain all week, but never really did. On Thursday afternoon at Elliott's baseball practice I walked around the loop at the park and caught this rainbow. It started to sprinkle, but never hard, so his team kept playing. This was their last practice of the season, and they scrimmaged. I heard Elliott singing "We will, we will rock you!" to the batters when he was in the field. Elliott lives life with a lot of enthusiasm.
October 1 |
Lauren got to play under the lights for her first soccer game in over a month! Her coach is wonderful and does his best to avoid Sunday games to respect our family's desire to avoid Sunday games, but this year their team was scheduled for three in a row throughout the month of September. Lauren and her team played well, but they lost a tight game. They moved to a larger field this year and are not rotating positions very often. Lauren played midfielder in this game, but she occasionally plays forward.
October 2 |
We had a fun outing to the K on Saturday evening with the Allreds and Wilsons. Will invited his friend Benji to join us so we had quite the party. Rain was in the forecast for Saturday, and all week leading up to the game Will would report if the chance of rain had gone up or down. Thankfully it held off until we were driving home. It was the second to last game of the season and Salvador Perez went into the game tied with Jorge Soler for single-season home run record holder and in first place in the MLB for home runs in a season. Every time he was up at bat the crowd buzzed with anticipation, hoping to see Salvy hit a record-breaking home run. Unfortunately, none of the Royals hit well and they lost the game 4-0 to the Minnesota Twins. We still had a fun time. It was fan appreciation night and we each got a long sleeve t-shirt that says "Together Royal." If you zoom in on this picture you can see Lauren, Elliott and Will on the Crown Vision. The kids were ecstatic to "be on TV."
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