August 15 |
We decided to take advantage of the nice weather and invite some new church friends over for dessert. It has been 18 months since we had anyone besides family over socially, and with fall/winter on the horizon and Delta going crazy we decided we want to take advantage of being able to socialize outside while we can. I made a blueberry pie, and Will and Lauren made a batch of cookies. They made a video tutorial of their cookie baking for their youtube channel too.
August 16 |
Monday was Elliott's first day of school. This is our one and only year with all the kids going to school in the same building. Next year Will starts middle school and Miles will probably do preschool, so I am going to cherish this relatively "simpler" time while I can. I was a little sad when I waved goodbye to the three big kids, but also excited for them and their adventures. We decided to have Elliott wait until this year to start kindergarten, so Miles and I got a bonus year to spend with him, and he is more than ready to start this year. After school I asked him if he learned anything new and he told me all they did was talk about schedules and rules. When told him that understanding how things work in his classroom and at the school was important he responded incredulously, "more important than math?!" Touché, Elliott.
August 17 |
Anthony went on his first work trip in...quite a while to Chicago this week. I am out of practice for this! I am used to him being busy, but not totally unavailable to help for three days! We talked to him over the computer before bed Tuesday night. We had planned on going to Tomahawk pool with the Hagmans and Ules that afternoon, but right as we got in the pool lightening was spotted on the radar and they closed the pool. The moms decided to salvage the situation by going to the indoor pool instead. The kids had a lot of fun! The storm was small and passed rather quickly. Will was able to go to the youth pool party that evening as planned.
August 18 |
I'm really hoping to avoid putting child locks on our new cabinetry. Miles is really enjoying the easy access to our food. Most of the "good stuff" aka snacks, are up too high for him to reach. "Not today," is a phrase Miles says a lot lately, especially when he means no. For example, I will tell Miles it is time to brush his teeth and he will reply, "not today." Or when I tell him it is time to take a nap he will say, "not today" and run away from me.
August 19 |
Thursday nights are baseball nights because both Elliott and Will have 90 minute practices that overlap for 30 minutes. From 5-7:30 someone is at practice, not including driving time. Elliott loves being part of a team and practice is a highlight of his week. I have had to make a pared down dinner meus and "Aldi pizza and salad" is becoming a Thursday night staple. I bake a cheese pizza from Aldi and then prep a bunch of salad fixings--lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, bacon bits, carrots, ham, etc. It works well because people can eat what they want when they are able.
August 20 |
The Pink Thunder kicked off their season with a Friday night game at the Garmin Fields in Olathe. Lauren's team joined the Sporting Blue Valley League this fall, which is bit more competitive than the rec league she has been in since kindergarten. It was a hot and humid night and the girls held their own, though they ended up losing. The field is larger and they are playing 9v9 instead of 7v7. Lauren is turning into a pretty good forward.
August 21 |
Lauren and Daphne decided months ago that they wanted to have a craft sale. The two girls have been busy crafting their hearts out over this past year, but especially this summer. Their inventory included pillows of various shapes, bracelets, bookmarks and felt flowers. The girls hawked their wares in front of Daphne's house for 3 hours midday Saturday and made $13 each! I was proud of them for working hard and putting themselves out there. They made signs advertising their booth they hung around the neighborhood as well. Lauren has a strong entrepreneurial spirit.
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