Saturday, August 14, 2021

2021 :: week 33

August 8
Sunday evening we went to the Allred's house for dinner to celebrate Arthur's birthday. Emily's birthday was last week and Lauren stitched her a sampler that said, "I'd rather be watching K-Dramas," because we don't know anyone who loves K-Dramas as much as she does. 

August 9
I decided to be a fun mom and buy the kids Chick-fil-A for breakfast to celebrate the last week of summer. Miles' SLP came for a visit mid-morning and told us that Miles has made so much progress over the past six months that he will probably not qualify for services by the end of the year. Yay, Miles! Miles has started repeating most everything we say and often gives two word answers to questions. He is counting a bit and saying my favorite little kid phrase, "hold you" when he wants to be held. 

August 10
On Tuesday evening we got to go up the school for "Meet the Teacher" night. Originally the event was going to be held indoors, but when the district updated the masking rules for the upcoming school year (all students and staff must wear masks regardless of vaccination status) our principal decided to move the event outside. It was a good idea in theory, unfortunately it was 97 degrees and humid. We waited in line to meet each of the teachers, then left early and went to the pool. This year Will has Mrs. Rockey Lauren has Ms. Boresow and Elliott has Mrs. Phipps. Fun facts: Will's teacher taught my sister Melanie when she was in 6th grade and Lauren's teacher was born the year Anthony graduated from high school. 

August 11
Wednesday was Elliott's 6th birthday and the last day of summer vacation. This picture makes me smile, because when I asked him to hold up six fingers because he turned six he held up four and two "because a thumb is not a finger." It is hard to describe Elliott because he is such a character. Elliott is smart and loves to surprise people with the things he knows. A few weeks ago a young couple from our church was impressed by his up-to-the-minute knowledge of everything that was going on at the MLB trade deadline (we have Will to thank for that). Speaking of baseball, at any given moment he is in the middle of an imaginary game. We often catch him swinging for the fences and then "watching" his hit sail away. We have literally had to hold his arms down to keep him from "hitting" while we are saying family prayers. He lives in the moment, and is willing to share his bag of Reece's peanut butter cups with any and everyone, while eating several himself. He decided he was okay with water this year, which I am still processing. In April he was crying about getting water in his ears when he washed his hair, and now he regularly jumps off the high dive and challenges himself to "treadmill" in the water for as long as he can. He has an eclectic taste in music--requesting everything from Hall & Oats to Post Malone to Jason Derulo. Most of all Elliott brings light and energy into our home. He is a man of passion and wears his heart on his sleeve and we couldn't love him any more.

August 12
Thursday was the first (half) day of school! The kids got up without any problems and I was up at 5am because I've been having trouble sleeping through the night this week. Since I was up I was easily able to make the kids scrambled eggs for Breakfast, take a few first day photos and leisurely walk the kids up to school. The morning went by fast because Elliott and I got to go up to the school and visit his classroom together and drop off his supplies. In the afternoon each of the kids was able to have a play with a friend while Miles napped. It was a great first day and made starting school so early feel less abrupt. That evening the boys were supposed to have baseball practice, but while Elliott and I were driving it started to downpour. We got hailed on and saw over a dozen flashes of lightening. I read that we got about 5 inches of rain overnight.

August 13

Friday evening the Olsen's invited us over for ice cream sundaes. The timing was great because after the big rainstorm the temperature dropped about 15 degrees. It was a very pleasant evening eating ice cream, visiting and watching the kids play outside. 

August 14
The random pumpkin plant Will and Curran planted as an afterthought and has already been thriving, seemed to respond really well to the rainstorm. I think it has grown half a foot wider since the start of the week! They have two pumpkins on the vines, and a few other blossoms that will hopefully be pollinated by the bees. I have seen several bees on the pumpkin plant this summer, so we will keep our fingers crossed. I hired the boys to do some weeding for me and they did such a great job. It is nice having a kid that is old enough to do a task well. 

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm glad the pumpkins survived! And I love that present Lauren stitched for Emily!