Sunday, February 9, 2020

2020 :: week 6

February 2
Sunday was an exciting day. We had several friends over to watch the Super Bowl with us and it was a full house. Kansas City has been all in on the Chiefs this year and the past week has been especially exciting. Everywhere you go people are talking about how excited there were for the big game. Sunday night things got real and we were all feeling a lot of emotions throughout the game. Luckily the Chiefs pulled off the win and we could all go to bed happy.

February 3
Lauren and Elliott have been putting on performances for Miles and I after school and in the evening They sing a Newsies medley they learned from Vocal Point and incorporate dance moves from the movie and gymnastics moves Lauren is learning in her classes. It can be entertaining, though getting coerced into watching their show can get a little old. Elliott is quite the animated performer and Lauren has good rhythm and flair.

February 4
On Tuesday I got to go with Will's 4th grade class on their field trip to the JCCC. They explored the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art and then watched a play called "Walk On: The Story of Rosa Parks." I had a great time with Will and his classmates and was so impressed by how well behaved they were and their positive attitudes. Part of the tour involved looking at sculptures and various art installations that are outdoors and it was very cold (20 degrees and windy cold!) and the kids handled it like champs! Will has a great group of friends and it was fun to get to know them a little better.

February 5
Wednesday we went to the Chiefs Victory Parade downtown. We tried to make it a fun event--we used hotel points to stay at the Marriott downtown so we would have a safe place to park and could make a hasty exit if we need to. I packed everyone's snow clothes and boots and brought plenty of snacks so no one would complain about getting hungry. Unfortunately it was just plain cold. We deiced that we would send Anthony back to the hotel with Lauren and Elliott to get additional socks and hot chocolate, but when they tried to cross the street we realized that the designated cross-walks had been closed and we wouldn't be able to get back across until after the parade. A few tears were shed, but what's a family memory without a child crying and the parents counting down the seconds until it is over. Actually, once the waiting was over it was really fun and we were all glad to be there. I have heard all three of my children that can talk brag about going to parade so I am going to call it a win.
February 6
Lately Elliott is wanting to help with me when I am working in the kitchen. On Thursday night he helped me cook some BBQ chicken pasta He is getting really good at stirring and seems to genuinely enjoy helping. That evening I went to a conference with his teacher, Ms. Amanda, and she had nothing but wonderful things to say about him.

February 7
On Friday morning I woke up with the worst headache I have had in months. Luckily I  didn't have much planned for the day and we took it easy. I spent most of the morning sitting on the couch, playing with Miles and then watching Halloween Boo-Fest with Elliott. In the afternoon after the big kids came home they were very helpful playing with Miles so I could rest. Anthony took over when he got off work and I went to bed at about 7pm. I feel so grateful for audiobooks and podcasts when I get these awful headaches. I want to be in a dark room, but get bored just lying there for hours. Listening helps me pass the time and not go crazy.

February 8
I wasn't at 100%, but I did feel good enough to watch Will's basketball game Saturday afternoon. Will played pretty well. His team is working to break the press and they fared much better than last week. I have noticed Will working on his cross-over on our driveway this week and saw him use his moves a few times in the game. I was most proud of his hustle and that he fought for a few loose balls.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Yeah for the chiefs! We were rooting for them, mostly because of you guys and Andy Reid. And that parade looks cold -- I never made it to any of the Patriots parades (yes, the Red Sox, and yes the Celtics) because they were always in the winter and it was SO COLD (I let Carly go to the first patriots Super Bowl parade, and said, of course, they will probably never win the Super Bowl again, so of course you can miss school and go. Little did I know...) and of course once I was teaching I would have had to use one of my precious person days to go.