Saturday, February 1, 2020

2020 :: week 5

January 26
Elliott suggested we make another batch of cookies Sunday afternoon. It didn't take much to persuade me. I am really loving our long afternoons now that we have morning church. Anthony and I have been taking afternoon walks together while Miles takes a nap and the other kids are doing their quiet times.

January 27
Miles had a physical therapy appointment Monday morning. One of our goals was to have Miles crawling by 10 months, and he did it! None of our kids have been early crawlers, so I was a little worried. Jessica (his physical therapist) wants us to create "obstacle courses" around the house. Miles does not like to bear weight on his arms and going up and over pillows and soft toys will force him to use his arms. Lauren got really excited about making Miles an obstacle course and I was skeptical about using the basketball hoop but he actually did make it up and over.

January 28
Lauren is loving her gymnastics class. Her friend Daphne is in the class too and we have been carpooling. This week I dropped Elliott off at Daphne's house to play with her brother Nicholas and then took the girls to the gym. Next week Nicholas will come to our house to play while Jolie takes the girls to gymnastics. Elliott looks forward to Tuesdays as much as Lauren does.

January 29
Wednesday evening we braved the crowds and got a picture with the "Chiefs" sign at Union Station. It was so fun seeing downtown lit up in red. We waited in line for about an hour(!). The kids were really good and it was fun talking to the people in line around us.

January 30
Thursday evening was Lauren's second grade music program. It was fun to see her and her classmates perform the songs they have been learning throughout the year. Lauren is quite a performer. She loves to sing and was very animated during the show. My favorite songs they sang were "You've Got a Friend in Me," and "She'll be Comin' Around the Mountain." After the show while we talked to friends Elliott went on stage and sang some Newsies songs. Newsies is his current musical obsession.

January 31
I call this photo: tempation! Because it has been so cold and the park is so wet we haven't been staying at the park to talk and play with our friends. It was still cold and wet on Friday, but I made sure to bundle the boys up and made Elliott wear rain boots.

February 1
He doesn't look it, but Miles was running a fever of 103 this evening. Poor guy has been grumpy all day. I left early from Will's basketball game because Miles was so grumpy and was inconsolable. As soon as we got home and I read him a few books and put him in his crib for a nap. He ended up sleeping for almost four hours! When he woke up he felt hot so I took his temperature and was surprised that it was so high.

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