Sunday, September 22, 2019

2019 :: week 38

September 15
Sunday afternoon Tony played the piano. Lauren likes to sing along, and if she doesn't know the words it's not a problem. She just hums and harmonizes. Miles loves to hear the music and be close to the piano when Tony is playing.

September 16
Our garden is finally hitting it's stride. I am gathering this many tomatoes off the vine every other day now. Two of my tomato plants have failed to produce any fruit this year, which is a big disappointment, but the other three are doing so well I am eating tomatoes daily to keep up.

September 17
Will got his first "job." Our neighbors are paying him $5 a week to take their trash cans out Monday evening and then pull them back in after school on Tuesday. That is a much more generous wage than he is getting for doing the same thing for me. Nevertheless, I am excited for him. He has his sites set on earning enough money to buy games for his Nintendo Switch.

September 18
Miles is such a good sport. Most days he spends over and hour in his carseat as we drive his siblings to and from school and then to their various activities. In addition to that he usually accompanies me on my various errands. When we get to the park after school I am quick to get him out of his seat and let him move around a bit. He is such a sweet little guy and I am so grateful for his patience.

September 19
Our basement is really starting to come together. It is so exciting! Most of the major work is done, and now the guys are working on finishing touches. The floor is officially down as of today.

September 20

Will has been playing "hockey" on the tennis courts with his friends after school. One of my favorite things about our neighborhood is the things the kids come up with to entertain themselves at the park after school. I also think it is really neat how kids from all grades play together. Of course kids gravitate towards their own classmates, but Will routinely plays with kids in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th grades.

September 21
It was a rainy Saturday and the kids got a little stir-crazy. Nothing a little baking soda, vinegar and food coloring couldn't solve. About a week ago Elliott did a some science experiments at school with vinegar and baking soda and since then we have gone through two bottle of vinegar and a full box of baking soda. All three kids got in on the action.

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