Sunday, September 15, 2019

2019 :: week 37

September 8
We hosted a BYD at our house Sunday evening, so the kids stayed up much later than usual. When we start our bedtime routine late the kids tend to push even harder against getting in bed. It is almost like they think, "they already let us stay up an extra our, why not make it an hour and a half?"  Lauren and Elliott like to have Anthony carry they upstairs to bed, so Anthony was much obliged to carry Lauren up to hasten the process. It make me nervous when he carries her upside down and backwards, but she loves it and no one has ever gotten hurt so I just bite my tongue and pray the kids don't accidentally do something to affect Anthony's grip.

September 9
Elliott and his buddy Nicholas eat their lunch "leftovers" at the park after school. I'm starting to suspect that Elliott purposefully doesn't eat most of his lunch so he can eat at the park.

September 10
While we were waiting for Elliott's 4 year well-child check-up at the pediatricians' office Elliott drew Alex Gordon--complete with his hat, goatee and KC on his hat and jersey.

September 11
Lauren had a great soccer practice Wednesday evening. It was quite hot, so the girls got a few extra water breaks. They worked hard on their drill and seemed to have a really great time. I attempted to walk a few laps around the pond, but didn't last as long as I would have liked because I forgot to bring water for myself.

September 12
Miles has a tooth! We worked hard for that baby and I am proud of it! It is one of his two center bottom teeth. I am confident the other will cut through the gum within the week.

September 13

Friday evening we went to the Diggins house for dinner and had such a great time! I was having a  long, hard week and was feeling discouraged when Carrie texted me and asked if I wanted to get together soon. I quickly invited our family over for dinner and I'm so glad I did. It was just what I needed to get out of my funk. The adults had fun catching up and reminiscing about old times. Three of our kids match up perfectly age-wise and they all got along marvelously throughout the evening. Before we left they kids were making plans for our next get together at our house. Poor Cami (Carrie's 11 year old) was the odd woman out. Miles was perfectly content to be held or take a nap in his car seat.

September 14
Saturday was a busy day! We started the day by going to the Cidermill, eating donuts and playing in the corn crib. The jump pillow was out of order, much to the disappointment of our crew. In the afternoon we went to Lauren's soccer game. Lauren played great and her team won. It is so fun seeing her growth as a player. On the way home we stopped at Costa Vida for dinner. That evening I met up with my ministering sisters for Freezing Moo.

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