Saturday, August 31, 2019

2019 :: week 35

August 25
We went to my parents' house for dinner on Sunday and had fun visiting with the Wilsons and Allreds. It is fun to see the family grow--there were seven grandchildren in attendance--as much as the original Crane family. In her usual fashion, Lauren spent most of the evening playing with Arthur. But he never sits still! They took turns pushing each other on this toy car.

August 26
Monday morning Elliott, Miles and I joined the Allreds, Emily and Mikey on a trip to the Nelson Atkins Museum. It ended up being extremely rainy and we got soaked as we walked inside the building. We typically just visit the outside installations, so it was fun for me to look around inside. Here is Miles viewing his first Monet.

August 27
Tuesday morning I went over to my parents' house to watch Mikey while Emily took some family pictures for the Allreds. When they returned from the photo shoot Arthur and Miles played together for a bit. Or I guess, to be more accurate, Arthur played around Miles. I've said it before and I'll say it again, one of the best parts of living close to my parents is that we get to see family when they are visiting them.

August 28
Since we are already in the middle of some housing upgrades I decided to update our TV room too. It is a classic "If you give a mouse a cookie" situation. I wanted to paint the room and get a new fan, but when we took an old shelf off the wall it left a hole. It was difficult to patch the hole because the walls are faux wood paneling. One thing led to another and now we are taking the beams down and replacing the paneling with drywall. We will not be able to use the room at all for about a week, with another week of limited use. In the meantime, our TV room furniture has been re-homed to our front room, making things nice and cozy. Here were are in our front room, sitting on our TV room couch, watching a video on my phone as part of our Come Follow Me discussion.

August 29
With all the drywall dust in the air our HVAC filter was overwhelmed, causing the coil to freeze, leak into our control panel and short out the system. Apparently this is a thing, so if you are ever getting new drywall put up keep a good eye on your filter. Even though we changed our filter at the end of June there was too much dust and it was overwhelmed. Unfortunately we were in the middle of a heat wave while all this was going on, so after an incredibly hot night Wednesday I stayed out of the house as much as possible Thursday until it was repaired. Thursday night I packed a picnic for dinner and we spent the evening at the pool cooling off. It was a great choice! We all had fun and by the time we got home the house had cooled down to below 80 degrees. At it's worst our house got up to 84 degrees.

August 30
Miles is just a delight. He is sweet and smiley and starting to sleep well again. He picked up a "back to school" cold a few days after the older kids started school and became very congested which made it hard for him to nurse and sleep for extended stretches through the night. When he is awake he is busy chewing on any and every thing he can get into his mouth. He is experimenting with his voice all the time, and regularly make Anthony and I laugh after we put him to bed and can hear him cooing and grunting as he falls asleep.

August 31
Saturday morning Emily took some pictures of Lauren for her baptism invitations. We drove to the rose gardens at Loose Park and got some really beautiful shots. It is crazy to think that she will be baptized in less than two months. We spent the rest of Saturday working on various chores around that house that have been put off with family in town and the construction in the basement and TV room.

1 comment:

Tina said...

You're tackling your family room as well!! You're amazing (or you're crazy)! We can hardly wait to see it all when we come in October.