August 4 |
On Sunday we went to church in the morning, miraculously all arriving on time at 9am. It made me smile to see the kids play on the rock in the parking lot that their dad played on when he was a kid many years ago. That afternoon Nana and Papa did a Come Follow Me lesson about baptism and then we went for a walk around Mount Auburn Cemetery. It was beautiful and good for the kids to burn some energy.
August 5 |
Late Monday morning Nana and Papa took the Nielsons to the airport. It was hard for the kids to say goodbye to their cousins. I am glad they like each other so much. That afternoon we went to Kimball farms where the kids got to ride the bumper boats a few times. It was exactly like bumper cars, but on these little boats. The older three kids really enjoyed themselves. After we got the ice cream that Kimball Farms is famous for Doug mentioned that the Royals were playing the Red Sox that night and that it might be fun to go to one last game before they moved. We decided that Doug, Anthony and Will would go to the game and the rest of us would stay at the house. Tina worked on packing their stuff, I worked on gathering up our stuff from around the house and getting it packed, and the kids watched the movie Up! It seemed to be a very fitting way to end our trip (and Doug and Tina's tenure in Boston).
August 6 |
Tuesday morning we flew back to Kansas City. I made the kids and Anthony take one last picture on the porch of Anthony's childhood home. Anthony's parents bought it in 1988 when they moved to Boston for Doug to practice podiatry. It was harder than usual to say goodbye knowing that even though we'd see Nana and Papa again, it wouldn't be here. Tuesday night would be the last night they slept in that house, leaving town Thursday. We had a relatively smooth flight home and were able to go to the pool in the afternoon. We went to my parents for dinner to celebrate Emily's birthday.
August 7 |
I don't remember much about what went on Wednesday. We finished unpacking, did laundry and went grocery shopping. Miles had another physical therapy appointment. Blaise came over and played with Elliott for a bit. They made treasure maps and asked me for snacks many times. Often when I tell Blaise he should ask his mom for a snack he replies, "She said no, that's why I'm asking you." These two boys are a little crafty.
August 8 |
The OPC Back-to-School night was Thursday. We were thrilled when we found out who their teachers will be for the upcoming school year. Lauren will have the same teacher Will had in second grade, Mrs. Martin. He had such a great year and we credit her for much of that. She is wonderful. Will will be in Mrs. Votava's 4th grade class, and after meeting her Thursday, I think she will exactly what he needs. She has a lot of energy, is super positive and enthusiastic about learning. As an added bonus, both Will and Lauren will have a few of their closest friends in their classes with them too.
August 9 |
We have started feeding Miles solid foods. The verdict is still out on what he thinks about it. I'm not sure how much he actually swallowed, but he didn't seem upset during the feeding so I'll take that as a good sign.
August 10 |
We celebrated Elliott's birthday a day early with pizza and cookies at the pool. Anthony was doing a workshop during the day, so had friends meet us at 5pm. Elliott is such a great guy and he loves nothing more than parties and treats and buddies. Tanner, Nicholas, Tyler and Blaise are pictured with him.
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